part 28

38 4 0

 ***Kelly's POV***

It was 2am and we were sitting in Dweight’s kitchen having a coffee. This was the first time that I was in this part of the house but it felt just as homey as the rest of it with frosted silver appliances and warm earthy toned walls, tiles and matching breakfast nook chairs. I had to hand it to him, the man had excellent taste.

As I took a sip of my coffee and risked a peak at Dweight only to realize that he was watching me intently from across the table too, his own coffee on the counter in front of him and his hands folded with his chin resting on it.
I looked away and saw Hillary watching us. She had a small smile curving her lips as she looked from me to Dweight and I gave her an unsure smile back.

I looked around the room one more time, taking in the colour and the feeling of it, a deep slow breath filling my lungs and the scent registering in my mind.

After what happened earlier tonight and even the attack I survived yesterday made up my mind for me.

Of course no one sitting here knew that.

There was no way I’d let Daniel kill anyone in this Pack. Whenever I pictured Andrea, Delia, Calan or anyone else’s death I felt ill from my head to my toes and it took everything in me to keep the panic building up in me at bay.

‘Well…’ Liam broke the silence as if we’d been having a conversation all along and all three of us looked at him.

‘We need to remove that mark Kelly.’ I arched my brows.

‘Can that be done?’ My voice was barely above a whisper but he nodded.

‘I’ve heard of it before but this is the first case I’ve ever seen where anyone has actually willingly wanted it done.’ He shrugged and I looked at Dweight wondering what his view on it was.

‘Who could unwillingly sever the bond?’ Hillary asked truly curious

‘A few years ago a mate became very ill in the Shona Pack and he forced his mate to sever the bond so she wouldn’t feel the pain as badly when he died.’ I took another deep breath as the excitement of that idea bypassed the depression that claimed me a few minutes ago.

‘When can I do it? Where do I go?’ Dweight stood and started pacing the room.

‘I don’t think it’s a good idea.’ I glared at him

‘Why not?’ My pride replacing the hurt that single sentence caused as I folded my arms

‘It’s painful isn’t it?’ He barked at Liam whom hesitated and then reluctantly nodded at me in confirmation

‘To remove a mark, you need to understand how it works.’

‘A mark signifies a bond.’ I nodded, I knew that.

‘That bond is so that you know when your mate is in trouble, hurt or if they are…’ He swallowed, ‘In heat.’ A startled laughter burst from my lips.

‘You’re kidding?!’

‘Let me finish.’ He grumbled and I mimed zipping my lips and throwing away the key

‘We can find our mates no matter where they are if they bare our marks, pure or coupled mates.’ I rolled my eyes

‘Daniel couldn’t tell I was here that first day when you let me into your territory.’ Liam and Dweight gave each other a puzzled look and their facial expressions showed they were having a conversation through their Pack link. Hillary looked at me and rolled her eyes with a sigh.

‘Out loud boys.’ They both flushed and turned back to us.

‘We think that’s because Dweight is your pure mate so it takes precedence to your coupled mating with Daniel even though you bare his mark.’

‘Okay…How did he find me here then?’ Dweight looked embarrassed now

‘My reaction set him off. I showed anger at his claim to you.’

‘Why were you angry?’ I feigned innocence and batted my eyelashes at him

‘I uh…I…I-’

‘The point is, the procedure is painful and you need to be 100% sure that you’re ready to go through with it.’ My mouth pressed into a grim line and I shifted uncomfortably on the seat.

I’ve been hurt before. I could feel my wolf bare her teeth at the understatement of the year.

Daniel nearly killed me a few times and these last few attempts at my life had me realize that if I didn’t get rid of this mark, he very well might kill me anyway.

‘I can handle pain,’ Dweight’s silver eyes sparked with anger, ‘where do I need to go?’

‘I’ll call a friend of mine in the Shona Pack and find out exactly how to go about it.’ I nodded and stood up stifling a yawn.

‘It’s late, let’s get to bed.’ Dweight grumbled at Hillary and Liam and they both said their good nights and left.

Dweight turned his silver eyes on me and I gulped feeling his gaze all the way to my soul.

I don’t think I’d ever get used to those eyes.

I hoped he’d never stop looking at me that way.

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