part 29

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 ***Dweight's POV***

I waited until the other two left before I looked at my mate. I’d been watching her all night trying to figure out what she was thinking and I had a nagging feeling that it wasn’t positive thoughts.

‘Kelly,’ Her green eyes watched my mouth and I had to stifle the urge to lick my lips, ‘Everything will be ok.’ She met my gaze and a small smile spread across her face.

‘Where will you be sleeping tonight?’

‘Probably the couch.’ I shrugged and stepped aside, motioning to the door so she could go into the room first. She stopped next to the bed as I pulled the pillow and blankets from the cupboard next to the couch and started setting up my temporary bed.

‘Dweight…’ She was biting her lip and I had to force myself to focus on her eyes instead.

‘Yeah?’ She hesitated and blushed a little bit.

‘Would you sleep next to me?’ My wolf was howling at the image of her in my bed that first night with her bare leg wrapped around the blanket. I pictured her bare leg touching my own and I gulped feeling a little snug in my jeans.

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea Kelly.’ Her face crumpled a bit but she quickly replaced it with an apologetic smile.

‘I’m sorry I don’t know what I was thinking. Good night Alpha Dweight.’

I opened my mouth but she grabbed her PJs and disappeared out of the door and into the bathroom before I could tell her why it wasn’t a good idea.

Sighing I sat down on the couch, leaned back and got comfortable. This is going to be a long night.

Kelly returned from the bathroom dressed in shorter PJs than last time and got straight into bed, covering her legs all the way –I was sad to see- before she turned the light off and sighed softly to herself.

I laid there imagining her soft skin in those shorts covered by the soft cotton sheets and then I pressed the palms of my hands to my eyes trying to force the images away.

I heard a soft sniff and I knew she was crying so I got up and made my way to the bed.

‘Kelly it’s not that I don’t want to sleep next to you, believe me I do…’ Another sniff

‘I just can’t.’

‘It’s ok, I understand.’ She whispered

‘I don’t think you do.’

‘I get it; I saw it in your eyes in the bathroom too. You don’t want me.’ A soft sob escaped her lips and I scooped her up in my arms, bundled her up and held her to my chest in the bed.

‘Kelly you have no idea how much I want you.’ I murmured into her hair and the sweet smell of her engulfed me.

‘Then what’s wrong with me?’


‘Then what is it?’ she pulled away from me and her bright green eyes were wide with curiosity and I had to sigh knowing she wouldn’t even want me near her if I told her what she wanted to know.


The room suddenly felt too small.

I groaned...Here goes nothing.

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