Chapter 2: School, and bitten

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The platoon has left the warehouse, and they enter through the city. So far, they haven't see any zombies yet. Sora looks around the place, and frowns as he looks at his old home. He shakes his head as he sighs. Jason looks at him.

Jason: You okay there, bro?

Sora: Yeah. I just can't believe what has happened to my old home. This outbreak has changed the place. 

Jake: We're really sorry, man. We know it's hard, but you'll get over it soon. Besides, when all of this is over, we'll rebuild everything that was destroyed.

Emily: But we won't bring back all the lives who were lost. 

Jason: Yeah, there's that. 

Drake: Come on, men. Keep it moving. And keep an eye out for ambushes. Sora, go cover the rear. 

Sora: Yes, sir. 

Sora walks to the back of the group, and follows from behind. As they move, Sora looks around, but still doesn't see any zombies yet. He frowns at this. Just then, he sees a school on the left side. He looks at it. He sees the sign. "Fujimi Academy". 

Sora: Sir?

Drake: Yes, Corporal?

Sora: Requesting permission to search the school for survivors. 

The general looks at the school. He looks at Sora.  The Lieutenant and Sergeant take out their binoculars, and they look at the school. 

Baxter: I don't know, sir. The whole place looks dead. 

The whole team looks at the school. Sergeant Collins looks at the General.

Collins: You wanna sweep, sir?

Drake looks at him, and at the school. He sighs as he makes his decision. 

Drake: Yeah. Fan them, Lieutenant. 

Baxter: (Nods) Jason, back up Jake. You're both on. But keep it tight. Eyes and ears. 

Jason nods, and he and Jake move out. 

Drake: Look sharp, people. 

Sora continues looking at the school. He has a feeling that maybe his old friends are in there. A private soldier just looks at the school with a frowned look on his face. 

Soldier: (Sighs) What's the point? This whole area's a ghost town. 

Drake: Silenced area doesn't anything else, Rico. Baxter, you, Collins, Staff Sergeant Rodriguez, and Corporal Jackson go in next. 

Baxter: You heard the General. Let's go. 

The four marines move in to follow Jason and Jake. Darian looks around the place, and shakes his head. 

Darian: I got a bad feeling about this, General. 

Drake: You got a bad feeling about everything, Morrison. Move out. 

Darian nods and moves out with the others. 

Drake: Sora, you and the rest with me. 

All: Yes, sir. 

They all follow him to the school. As the platoon walks to the school, Rico is talking to Jackson. 

Rico: Ah, this is crap. We should have drove. 

Jackson: No way, man. The zombies would have heard us coming miles away. 

Rico: Zombies. What zombies? There's nobody and nothing out there, Jackson. I don't get what Sora is thinking about going in the school. 

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