Chapter 18: Compound

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The team continues watching the zombies trashing the whole place while surrounding the building and eating up the bodies outside. 

Baxter: Alright, team. We need to find a way into the building, and finish the mission. But first, we must destroy the anti-air missiles. 

Sora: Lieutenant, requesting permission to split up. 

Baxter: For what purpose, Corporal?

Sora: I just thought that maybe if we split up in two teams, we can cover more ground. 

Baxter looks at Collins, who nods. 

Baxter: Alright, Corporal. Take Collins with you, and ten others while I take the rest. 

Sora: Alright. Jason, Jake, Emily, Rei, Takashi, Saeko, Saya, Kohta, Violet, and Darian, you're with me.

They all nod, and go in different directions. Shizuka keeps Alice with her as Alice holds Zeke in her arms. Collins leads his group left while Baxter takes his group right. Sora looks at the building, and at the top. He could have swore he saw someone looking at him. He frowns, knowing that maybe Shido sees them. They come to their first missile launcher. Darian sets the explosive on it. 

Collins: Morrison, how much explosives do we have for all defenses?

Darian: Don't know. Hopefully, we might have enough for all. 

Sora: Guys, after this, we need to find a way into the building. Shido is watching us from the top floor of his window. 

Rei: (Glares at the window) When we do get in there, I wanna put a bullet in his head myself. Sora, if you want to join in, be my guest. 

Sora: Don't worry, I will. But first, we need to blow the defenses, so our forces can move in to help in the situation. So, come on, Marines! You all wanna live forever?! 

They all yell in agreement. Darian sets another explosive on another missile launcher. They all hear screaming nearby. They see Baxter's group being attacked by some zombie dogs. A marine gets killed as she gets tore apart by the dogs. Rei aims her rifle at the dogs, and she fires. She shoots them all in their heads, saving Baxter and his group. Baxter gives her thumbs up. Sora hugs her, and she hugs him back while smiling. Darian finishes setting up the explosive. As he finishes, Sora then hears something. 

Sora: Wait. Everyone be quiet for a minute. Do you hear that?

They all listen, and they all hear something. They all look around to see what's coming their way, but they don't see anything. Sora then feels something underground. He looks at the ground, and then something comes out of the ground. It's some kind of insect. It screeches at Sora. Sora uses the butt of his rifle, and slams the insect, crushing it. But as it dies, little spiders come out of its body. 

Sora: Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh! 

Sora then fires at the spiders, trying to kill them all. Takashi joins in, helping him. Saeko takes out her sword, and begins to swing down on the ground, cutting the spiders. Kohta falls down on the ground while trying to reload his gun after firing at the spiders. The spiders begin crawling at him. He panics, and backs away. Collins helps him back up, and Kohta open fires on the spiders. Darian ignores the spiders, and runs to the next one. Mulan looks around as she guards Darian to protect him. Darian wipes the sweat off his forehead. Sora looks around, and he sees some other insects all around. He sighs in anger. He really hates Shido for creating these monsters. Then, he looks down, and sees a lone spider. Rei and Saya looks at it. 

Saya: What the heck kind of spider is that?

Sora: An infected spider. Wait. (Touches his forehead) Guys, I think this spider can tell us something. 

Rei: Sora, what are you talking about? 

Sora carefully picks up the spider. 

Rei: Sora, are you crazy?! It'll bite you!

Sora ignores her, and looks at the spider. It looks back at him. Sora then focuses his mind on it. He hears some roaring, moaning, and screeching in his head. His eyes widen as he then looks at the building. He's finally reconnecting the dots. 

Sora: You guys, everything that happened on the way here was supposed to happen. The zombies, they brought us here to...

Saya: To what?

Sora: Guys, they want us to avenge them. They're telling us to bring down Shido and his father. 

Rei: Wha...? But then why are they trying to kill all of us?

Sora: Shido's virus is controlling them, but since I have the zombie DNA in me, I now can sense their minds, thanks to this spider. It's time we put an end to this nightmare once, and for all. Collins, requesting permission to go inside the building to finish the job?

Collins: (Thinks for a moment) Permission granted. 

Sora: Thank you, sir. Rei, Takashi, you're both with me. You too, Jason. Let's go. 

They all nod with smiles on their faces. Shizuka holds Alice close. Mulan wanted to go with them, but Darian holds her back, keeping her from going with them. Sora looks ahead, and he sees a lot of zombies just pounding on the door, trying to get in. 

Sora: Jeez. Look at what they're doing. It's like they're trying to get inside. Like they know what's in there.

Rei: Then, how do we get in without getting caught by them?

Just then, Shido's voice is heard on his radio.

Shido on radio: (Growls) I knew you marines were trouble from the start! I spent years planning for this day! This is not the way it was supposed to happen! 

Sora: Well, how was it supposed to happen, Shido?!

Shido on radio: We had under control! Asa, this is not our fault! We were so close to understand the virus! 

Sora: Well, crud you! And crud your virus! Once I get in there, I'm gonna put bullets in you and your son's foreheads. So you'd better watch out, butthead. Because I'm coming to get you. 

Sora cuts him off as he turns off his radio. He looks around for another way in to avoid the zombies. He then spots a manhole cover on the ground. He figures it must lead inside. He nods at the others, and they all walk to the cover. Jason lifts up the cover, and they all climb down. The rest of the team stay outside to deal with the missile launchers, and the zombies. They can only hope that Sora, and his group will success in killing Shido, his son, and bring an end to this zombie war nightmare before it's too late.        

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