Chapter 6: Feeling strange

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At the warehouse, Jason just walks out of the command room. Drake just told him the news about his parents. He has a sad look on his face. He just walks back to the men's bedrooms, and sits down on the bed. Jake and Darian look at him. 

Darian: Jase, what is it? What happened?

Jason: My parents are dead...they didn't make it...

Darian: Aw, dang, man. We're sorry. 

Jake: Were there any survivors on Air Force One though?

Jason: No. Everyone on board died. They checked the logs...My mother was infected when she boarded the plane without anyone knowing. And she died from sickness, and you guess what she did next...

Jake: (Pats his shoulder) We're here for you, man. 

Darian: (Sighs) I just hope Sora is doing okay, and I hope he's still alive. 

Jason: Me too...We can't lose our best friend...

They all look outside the window as the sun begins to set, meaning it's almost nighttime. 

Meanwhile, back with Sora and his group, they continue walking to the safe-zone. Sora looks around for zombies, and so far, he doesn't see any yet. He looks at everyone, and sees they're getting tired of walking. 

Sora: (Looks at Washington) Sir, how much further it is to the warehouse now? 

Washington: Just three miles left. We need to make it there before night. 

Sora: Ok. 

Sora begins to grunting softly as he feels his arm hurting for some reason. He looks at it, and rubs it. Then he feels his bones healing from the shot he got from Parker. He frowns at this. He doesn't know why this is happening to him. And for some reason, he hasn't turned into a zombie yet from the bite he got from the zombie at the school. He shakes his head, trying to not think about it. Just then, they all hear screaming nearby, and gunfire. 

Lockett: Sir, sounds like there's trouble going on over there.

Washington: I know. Come on, we need to help them out.

They all run to the location of where the screaming is at. They arrive at the area. They see two zombies standing over an eaten Marine on the ground. Sora, and Takashi run in at them with the rest of them behind them. A soldier looks down on the ground, and he finds eaten remains on the sidewalk. He finds a blood trail that leads to an alley, and he follows it. The others don't see him walk off, as they focus on the zombies. Sora and Takashi aim their guns at the zombies. They both breath in, and breath out. They fire, and hit the zombies in the foreheads, killing them. 

Washington: Nice work, you two. (To Takashi) You got good aim, kid. 

Takashi: Thank you. 

Wilson: (Looks around, and finds the soldier missing) Wait a minute. Where the heck is Higgins? 

Washington: (Looks around) Higgins?

Sora then spots the blood trail. He follows it. Saeko, Takashi, and Rei follow after him. 

Sora: Higgins! Higgins?

Just then, he finds Higgins' weapon on the ground. He kneels down to it. 

Sora: Higgins.

He picks it up. He sees some blood on the walls. He frowns at this. Rei looks at him. 

Rei: Sora, what's going on? 

Sora: I don't know. Come on, guys. Let's get back to the others.

They walk back to the others. Washington sees them. 

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