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Four days later

Inside a carrier, a hatch and ramp opens up, lighting up the room. The scene zooms out to show coffins with American flags on them, hundreds of them. Men begin to carry them off the carrier. Sora stands by two coffins. As he looks at them, a radio report on the radio is heard. 

Reporter: ...After a second week of heavy fighting, U.S. Marines were successfully able to put an end to this zombie war in Japan. With an additional Division arriving soon, hopes are high that may finally see a return to peace and stability in the region. 

Sora looks down as he closes his eyes. He looks behind, and sees personal items that belonged to the fallen Marines, soldiers, Air Force troops, and Navy Seals, all covered in blood. Lighters, coins, rings, and pictures.  

Sora narrating: Why is one man spared, while another taken? To this day, I couldn't give you an answer. But death comes for us all, eventually. When you lose over two thousand men in two weeks, it's easy for one death to become just another number. But all I knew was my two best friends were gone, and a part of me wished I had been take instead. The dead, they've settled their debts. It's up to the living to pick up the tab. 

As Sora opens his eyes, he sees he's in the funerals for Rico, Jason and Jake. His friends are all here, along with their families. Jason's uncle was found, and he was told the news. He took it really hard, knowing his nephew, and brother are gone. Sora then looks at Drake, who is talking about them.

Drake: And so it is time to say farewell to Private Joey Rico, Private First Class Jason Wayne Anderson, and Lance Corporal Jake Jerry Bridges. Three men I had the privilege and honor to have under my command. A life is only important in proportion to its impact on the lives of others. By this standard, Private Rico, Private First Class Anderson, and Lance Corporal Bridges ranks among some of our very best. They leave behind family, friends, fellow Marines, and a grateful nation. 

Sora watches as Jake's father stands up from his seat. His wife is sitting down, crying as she's holding an American flag. Jake's father walks to Jake's coffin, and pays his respects. Jason's uncle walks to Jason's coffin, and pays his respects. Rico's father pays his respects too. They all walk back to their seats, and sits down. Their wives continue crying over their losses. Drake and the other soldiers pay their respects too. After them, Sora is the last one. He walks to Jason's coffin first, and pays his respects. He then walks to Jake, and does the same. And finally, he pays his respects to Rico. He smiles at the coffins, and walks away. Rei, and the others join him. They walk to the ocean side, where the Marines has placed a new memorial for the fallen troops that died in Japan. Sora looks at it, and he sees a lot of names and pictures on it. Below the pictures are the names of the troops, and when they were born and died. He looks at Jason and Jake's pictures. "Jason Anderson, 1999-2018. Jake Bridges, 1999-2018." Sora looks at them, and at Rico and Parker's. "Joey Rico, 1997-2018. Christian Parker, 1992-2018." He frowns sadly, and looks down. He's really gonna miss them all. Rei holds his hand, and he holds hers back. He smiles at her, and she smiles back. Darian, Emily, and Violet joins them. Sora then takes out something from his pocket. He then places it by the memorial. Rika even takes out something too, and does the same. Rei and Alice looks at them, and to their surprised, it's memorial pictures of Hiashi and Alice's parents. They couldn't believe that they would do this for them. Sora and Rika smiles at them. Alice hugs Rika, and Rei hugs Sora. They hug them back. 

Sora: Come on, everyone. Let's go on home. We need to take our minds off a lot of things, and put the past behind us. 

Everyone nods. They walk away from the memorial. As they do, scene zooms in on the memorial again, and it zooms in on some more pictures. It's Cowboy, Cash, Martin, Higgins, Gibson, and Connor. They're all smiling in the pictures. "Joshua "Cowboy" Lee, 1985-2018. Aaron Cash, 1998-2018. Tony Martin, 1995-2018. Grady Higgins, 2000-2018. Jeremy Gibson, 1998-2018. And Becky Connor, 1996-2018." The zombie war has finally come to an end, but many lives were lost. Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces. The war has touched and pained everyone on the planet.

Sora narrating: War is heck. That's what my dad told me. And he's right. We got the cure to the virus, and we spread it by airborne. The cure is spreading by the wind. It may take years for the cure to spread completely all over the world. All we could do is pray for it to destroy the virus completely. Until then, we'll all now live in peace. And the Lord tells me it was worth it. Because, for the thousands that died, millions are going to live on now. Hopefully, their hearts will heal over the loss of their loved ones. Rei and my friends are my family now, and I will look after them forever. Rei and I are together now as a couple. Someday, we'll get married soon. And we'll be happy. Our hearts will heal in a matter of time. My name is Sora Asa, and this isn't the end of my story. It's only the beginning.

Finally, I'm done with my Highschool of the Dead story. It was long, but it was worth it. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review on it, and let me know what you think of it. And comment and vote on it. Thank you. Now, I'll continue one of my stories.          

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