Chapter 13: Sewers

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An hour later

Sora begins to wake up. He breaths heavily, and mumbles. He shakes his head, and looks around.

Sora: What? Where?

He sees he's somewhere in the sewers. He looks at himself, and he sees he's trapped in the same slime that trapped Higgins. He shakes, trying to get free. Then, he hears hissing. He looks ahead, and sees the same black anaconda in the middle of the water. It hisses, and slithers towards him. He gasps, and breaths heavily again. It hisses at him, and looks at him. It prepares to bite him, to injects its venom in him. But before it could, it hears gunfire in the distance. It screeches, and goes to where the gunfire is at. As it leaves, Sora continues trying to get free. He grunts, finally breaking the slime off him. He frees his arm, and then, he pulls out his knife, and starts cutting. After a moment of cutting, he's finally free. He falls down in the water. He shakes off the water, and stands up. 

Sora: Now I know how Higgins felt...(Sighs, uses his radio) Does anyone read? This is Asa. I'm in trouble and I don't know where I am. Come on, you stupid radio. 

Jason on radio: Sora! Holy crap, Man, we thought you were dead! How are you alive? 

Sora: That thing carried me down into the sewers, and it covered me in slime. I'm free now. But that thing will come back for me. Where are you?

Jason on radio: We were ambushed by snakes, but we're okay. We came down into the sewers looking for you. 

Sora: Wait. Who's with you? 

Jason on radio: Some of your friends, and the Sarge are with me. Rei wants to talk to you.

Sora: Give her the radio. 

Rei on radio: Sora! (Sobs) I'm so happy you're still alive. 

Sora: I'm okay. Don't worry. Where are you guys in the sewers?

Rei on radio: Uh, looks like we're somewhere in the main drained tunnel or something. 

Sora: So, what do we do?

Collins on radio: I dropped my tracking beacon at the entrance where you dragged in. Use it to meet us there. Come on, Corporal. Get moving. Gotta find a way out. 

Sora: Copy. 

Sora looks around the place. He spots a vent. He walks to it, and crawls in. He crawls through the vent as he follows the tracking beacon on his tracking watch. Just then, he hears hissing. He slowly turns around, and sees the black anaconda's shadow on the vent wall. He panics, and crawls faster. 

Sora: (Whispers) Just had to drop your rifle, you idiot! (Talks on the radio) Guys, that snake is after me! 

Takashi on radio: Sora, get out of there!

Rei on radio: Run, Sora! Run! 

Sora continues to crawl through the vent. As he does, he sees the exit up ahead. He crawls faster, and makes it. He then looks for anything to block the vent. He then sees a grate above the vent. He grabs it, and slams it down, shutting it over the vent. It blocks the anaconda. It looks at the grate, and hisses at Sora. It turns around, and slithers away. Sora smirks. He turns around, and walks away to find the others. As he looks, he finds a young boy, wearing a white school uniform, covering in slime on the wall. He also sees he has eggs inside him too.

Sora: What the heck? That's a school student. Must have came from my friends' school. 

As he enters the tunnel, he finds a shocking sight. He finds some new type of zombies, but they're all like statues, and they're like rocks. 

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