Chapter 7: Blood tests

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Sora is being carried into the infirmary to see if they can treat his bite. Rei and her friends watch with worry as he is taken inside. Rei follows after them, to see if Sora will be okay. She looks through a window to the infirmary. She sees him being lied down on a bed. The medics work on him as he is still unconscious. Takashi and Saya walk to the window too, and watch them work on him. 

Medic: Jeez. This Marine must have been hiding this bite for a while. This bite was made earlier today. 

Medic 2: Jeez. I'm surprised that he hasn't turned hours ago. Someone bring in a scientist. Maybe he can find something that can help the Corporal. 

Medic 3: Got it. Be right back. 

Shizuka: (Comes in) Uh, I'm a doctor. Maybe I can help.  

Rei and the others watch her walk to Sora to help him. She takes a needle, and inserts it in Sora's arm. She takes his blood. She goes to a desk where she can see the blood tests. Rei and Saya follows her as Takashi continues watching Sora. Shizuka sits down on the chair, and she begins to run tests on the blood. She gasps as she looks at the tests.

Shizuka: Oh, my!

Rei: What? What is it, Miss Shizuka?

Shizuka: Something is happening to Sora. His blood, it's somehow bonding with the zombie DNA. Take a look. 

Rei looks at the tests, and her eyes widen as she sees the blood cells is mixing with the Zombie cells.

Rei: But how...?

Saya: Let me see. 

Rei moves out of the way, and Saya looks at the tests herself. She frowns as she sees the cells combing together. 

Saya: She's right. The cells in Sora's blood and zombie DNA are mixing up. This could mean one thing.

Rei: What?

Saya: Sora is immune to the infection, and it's doing something else to him instead of turning into one of them. 

Shizuka: Hey, look at the monitor of Sora's body. 

They all look at the monitor, and to their shock, his muscles are growing big, like a strong man, and his bones are also getting stronger too. Then, they all hear Sora groaning and grunting. They all turn around and look at the window.

Rei: Sora...?

Takashi: Guys, something's wrong!

They all run to the window. They see Sora shaking violently on the bed, groaning and grunting in pain. 

Rei: (Gasps) Sora! SORA!!!

Sora continues shaking and groaning as everyone watches in horror and shock. The medics try to hold him down to try to calm him down.  After a moment, Sora stops shaking...and stops breathing. His heart rate monitor goes flat-line. 

Takashi: Oh, no.

Rei: Oh, my gosh! (Runs inside) Sora?! Oh, my gosh, Sora!

She runs to him, and looks at him with tears coming out of her eyes. 

Rei: Sora! Shizuka, do something!

Shizuka runs to him too, and she does cpr on him. Rei continues crying as she's really worried about him. After a moment of doing cpr, Sora's heart starts beating again. He opens his eyes, and gasps for air. 

Rei: Sora!

Sora: (Gasping, coughing) My gosh, I was dying. I felt it...What happened?

Saya: Well...

She begins to tell him what they just found out. Sora is shocked that the zombie bite is not turning him into a zombie, but giving him something better. He looks at a mirror, and sees his body has changed. He looks at himself, and is completely shocked that the DNA has changed him. 

Sora: Incredible...So, I'm immune to the infection. 

Saya: That's right. 

Sora: I need to go talk to General Drake. He has to know about this. 

He walks out of the infirmary with his friends Shizuka behind him. They also want to meet his general and unit. Rei is really happy he's okay now. She runs up to him, and holds his hand. He holds her hand too, and smiles at her. She smiles back at him. They continue walking to the command room. The rest of their friends follow them. Mulan, the dog that Sora found has followed them since they found her. Now, she wants to be with the group, since they found her. Zeke also likes her too. Can Sora handle this new strength of his, or will it lead him to his death?         

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