Confusing Loyalties

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 I immediately shifted my position and plonked myself on the waters near the bank of the river. But this was a fight between two Sharingan users, teacher and student, and even though I was one myself, I was smart enough not to interfere.

But unfortunately, not everyone here is smart, or should I say, only one person.

I don't know what got into her head. Her plan had failed, so get outta here! But as I said before, not a smart person. Or powerful, for the matter. You'll see.

Just as Kakashi extended Chidori with Lightning Blade, Sakura ran on the underside of the bridge, upside-down (yes, shinobi can run upside down by channelling chakra to the bottoms of their feet. Oh, you non-chakra people. No common knowledge at all.) towards Sasuke.

Just as Sasuke dodged Lightning Blade, Sakura made a wide arc with her kunai. But she had underestimated Sasuke. Even without his Sharingan on and half-blind, he could sense an attack coming from behind. He dodged the kunai also, grabbed her arm, pried the kunai from it, and then viciously slashed at her.

That would certainly have killed her, but someone else intervened. Someone I knew would come, sooner or later.

Someone named, of course, Naruto Uzumaki.


How did I know?

Well, it was only natural that Naruto would be here, after all. His whole team was here, and don't underestimate team spirit. I know, I know, t wasn't a logical reason, but.... chakra works in mysterious ways. I bet he was drawn here very strongly, even if he wasn't chasing us from the start.

Think about it. I was here, Kakashi was here, Sasuke was here. And Sakura too (not really an anchor point). Anyway, with his will and everything, he would be drawn here. He just would. Anyway, back to the fight.

Naruto tackled Sakura, saving her life, and in return getting cut with a kunai. Sakura's kunai. That dumb **clears throat**.

Naruto placed Sakura next to me. He gave me a look only he could give, promising me trouble later. Well, nothing out of the ordinary. Naruto went to stand beside Kakashi sensei. I knew what was going to happen, and didn't want to take any part in it. Jut to have something to do, I knelt beside Sakura.

'Sakura, are you okay?' I asked. She didn't answer, her eyes fixed on Sasuke. I swallowed my anger. 'Sakura!' I snapped my fingers in front of her face. She looked startled, and then looked at me. 'What, Hana?' I glared at her, then I softened my expression. After all, I was a betrayer, I had no right to glare.

'Sorry, but I asked if you're ok.' She shook her head. 'I'm fine, Hana. Don't worry about me'. I rolled my eyes. ' Very well'. I plonked myself on the water besides her and let talk-no-jutsu begin. did.

I was too bored and tired to pay attention to the exact words being said but I knew Naruto, as usual, was pleading with Sasuke and Sasuke, as usual, was replying in his smug, self-centered way, like he was the best of the lot, which he was certainly not.

After a minute of two, they started fighting. Sasuke activated his Mangekyo and started Susanoo.  I shook my head.  No amount of grilling was going to get through his thick skull.  He'll understand when he is as blind as a bat.

Anyway, the look on Kakashi's face was priceless when he saw Sasuke's Susanoo. Well, I had a similar reaction but whatever ! Naruto and Sakura didn't know what a Susanoo was. Pity, Kakashi didn't see the fight with Danzo. That was one worth watching if I may say so, myself.

The reason I sat and watched the fight was because, yes, I was too bored and another reason. Using Izanami had been a mistake. I had a splitting headache now. Yes, I didn't lose an eye but it tired me out. This was the first time I used Izanami in an actual battle. 

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