All boys are JERKS...are they?

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Chapter 1 (Different Language)

"HURRY UP!" Mia screamed with her Barbie voice, as I hastily dressed myself hoping not be get on the wrong side of her. You really don't know my sister. When she's in a good mood, she would offer to risk her life for you, really she would: but once you get on the wrong side of her...your life would doubtfully turn to hell. No joke, I'm utterly being serious, with my hands on my heart. chest actually.  

"ALL RIGHT! Keep your bloody thongs on, I'm done," I retorted skipping down the stairs, missing one at a time and unfortunately smashing into an angry faced mother. Shit!  

"I'd rather you use DIFFERENT language Ashley," she shouted, running her soon-to-be-wrinkly hands through her soon-to-be ugly blonde hair.  

"How the hell am I supposed to know how to say "Keep your bloody thongs on" in a different language mum," I snapped. I swear, this whole house was full with crazy people!  

"Ashley..." she warned pulling her fake you're-about-to-get-grounded sound on me. Like hell I was.  

I was too busy trying desperately to sort out my hair in the reflection when I felt something unusually slimy and wet touch my bare legs. Without knowing, I screamed.  

"Oh shut up," said Mia, dragging me along to the front door. "I swear, if you don't get your ass in gear from tomorrow, I'm gonna ditch the hell out of you Ash. I'm gonna be late AGAIN!"  

So, when Mia uses language like this, she's let off easily without even been questioned ONCE! BUT, if I had said that, it would have been "Mind your language Ashley...don't say that quiet Ashley..." At times like these I felt like replying with simple "Kiss my ass Ashley", but then I would be telling myself to kiss my own ass, which isn't very smart. So, instead, I just pretended to listen to their crap when actually I was planning my day ahead with my boyfriend Bradley and my best friend Sophie. If only I was old enough to live with them, it would literally rock my world.  

"Whatever," I replied wheezily just to shut her up.  

"Are you walking with me then?" she asked as we left the house together like usual.  

"No shit Sherlock. I always walk with you," I answered.  

She sighed. Ha-ha, I loved it when she pulled her annoyed face: her nostrils would flare in and out almost like a music rhythm. Most of the times, I really couldn't suppress my laughter.  

"You think you're all bad now that you're sixteen Ash," she laughed menacingly. Not the "muhahahaha" laugh but this evil Mia laugh which really pissed the crap out of me. I hated it so much.  

"Nope, I KNOW I'm bad darling," I replied.  

"Oh quit it Ash, remember when you were a-..."  

Now she was going waaay over the top. Bitch, how could she even think of bringing that up? She clearly knew that it was my most daunting memory ever, so why was she trying to dig it out again? People NEVER mentioned it around me: partially because majority of my friends actually didn't know about it, but the minority who did understood why I wanted it hidden. Obviously not my sister though.  

"Whatever," I snapped, briskly powerwalking. I really didn't want to spend any more minutes with her. Face it, no one likes bitches.  

Behind me, I could hear Mia shout something, but luckily as I skimmed the place, nobody was there.  

"Can't face the truth, can we?" she screamed.  

Fuck you, I whispered mentally, pulling out my tangled headphones and turning my iPod on full blast.  

Head phones in. World out.

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