Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Aiden’s POV

After being sent off to the head’s office, I walked out of the school acknowledging the fact that now I was suspended for a week. I really wasn’t in any mood to face mum’s angry face and dad’s annoyed expression. You see, this wasn’t the first time I had gotten suspended, oh hell no. This was just one of those 100th times. You may wonder why the fuck the school hasn’t just kicked the hell out of me right? Well, being the football captain and the star quarter back does have a huge impact in my life. Without me, the school’s football hope can just fuck off. Therefore, the Mr Flemming was under strict order from the school’s governors to do anything possible to keep me in the school at any cost.

The thing that annoyed our darling head teacher the most was the fact that this isn’t the first time I’ve been involved in a fight at school premises. I admit it, I fight a lot. Most of the times it’s silly and immature but today, I have no regret. I should’ve just fucking ended that bastard right there. He had not only made my sister look extremely weak and vulnerable but he had also broken her down emotionally. Never in the previous six years had I seen Ashley cry. She was always the most strongest one in the family: its almost like she built a wall around her emotions protecting herself from pain and wound. And today, that dickhead had crashed that damn of protection. If I could kill him and get away with it, I swear to God, Bradley Knowles wouldn’t be alive right now.

I kicked an empty can of coke in frustration as I reached my doorstep. God, here goes nothing. My fingers reached for the doorbell and instantly loud footsteps approached my ears. Expecting some kind of angry voices to slap my face, I looked up to see a very scared looking mum. Why the fuck did she look scared? Shouldn’t she look…I don’t know…angry or at least annoyed? Instead she engulfed me into her arms and squeezed me tightly. My hands dangled unknowingly down my side, I didn’t know what to do. I mean, I hadn’t hugged my mum in  years time and the sudden expression of love just caught me off guard. My hands wrapped around her skinny figure and I buried my face in her shoulders clutching her adamantly. We stood like that for a long while after she laughed.

“Kiddo, you’re squeezing the life out of me,” she moaned gently pushing me away.

“Your fault for being so skinny,” I teased as our hands intertwined together. “If you were cuddly, I would eb squeezing your fat instead of your bones.”

She gasped mockingly. “You WANT me to get fat?”

I laughed. “Didn’t say that silly woman.”

We walked inside the empty living room and I scanned the place looking for dad to appear. But, he wasn’t here? He has every Mondays off, so where was he today?

“What so no twenty questions today?” I asked teasingly.

Mum out her hands on her hip and positioned herself on a “Lets-talk” position.

“You WANT me to ask you questions?”

“No yet. Where’s dad?” I asked dropping down on the sofa.

“He’s gone shopping.”

“Really?” I asked shocked. “that man can’t shop to save his life, he’d probably end up buying the whole shop now.”

She laughed and playfully slapped my hands. “Don’t be rude to your dad.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled, placing my head in my hands and groaning loudly. The scene played thoroughly inside my mind: Ashley’s tearful face flashed in and out causing me to hold my fist. I hated that fuckign bastard, he should be dead. Seeing my sister’s innocent face in such horrible condition made me want to murder the git instantly.

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