Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The clock bedside my bed table ticked away slowly. It was 12:15 and already I was bored out of my mind. Well…if you happen to be a sixteen year old teenage girl with raging hormones that make you fidgety every 5 minutes then you wouldn’t blame me. After going through literally EVERY devious plan in my devious mind to escape from this hell, I now found myself laying on my bed groaning to myself. I signed onto MSN for the fifth time today. God, since everybody else was at school where no MSN was supplied, there were hardly anyone online.

I skimmed through my 920 offline contacts and 14 online ones. Let’s see who could get me out of this boredom…

Jacey Dawson…? Naaaah.

Ashton Lown…hmm, maybe…

Emily Hoding…GEEK!

Your Pants…? Huh? Who the hell was that?

Maybe some cool dude, whatever.  Without thinking, I double clicked the on his name and the chat box popped up.

SuckOnIt: hey, who’s this?

…No reply…


YourPants: your sex buddy;]

Ergh…peado, what a shock… Well, two can play at this game.

SuckOnIt: well…I’m still waiting for that “hot” sex buddy;]

Immediately a reply whizzed back. Wow, this kid was desperate. I chuckled to myself.

YourPants: wanna try today then?;]

SuckOnIt: sure, why not? Btw, whats up with the winks?;]

YourPants: your place or mine? …pssst, you’re in no place to chat, whats up with your winks?;]

I laughed.

SuckOnIt: well, how about 54 Emerald Street tonight? winks beat yours anyday player;]

YourPants: huh? That’s not our “usual” place for a quickie;] but sure, why not?...keep dreaming, my winks look sexy;]

SuckOnIt: haha, it’s my bf Sophie’s b-day party tonight, be there?...whatever player, my winks are SEXIER;]

YourPants: ahh, you sure our hot sex will be good there?...well, I got a hot chest;]

SuckOnIt: hmm, I’m pretty sure, we can make it great!’re SUPPOSED to have a hot chest player;]

YourPants: don’t you mean, you’re pretty sure that I can make it great?...what’s that supposed to mean?;]

SuckOnIt: naah, I’m pretty sure that I can make it great player, not you…it means that my sex buddy better have a hot chest or else…;]

YourPants: whatever floats your boat pretty girl…or else what…;]

SuckOnIt: huh…i’m confused?... Or else…I’ll let you figure that out…;]

YourPants: ha, not very smart are you pretty girl?...hmm, I’m having a great time figuring it out;]

SuckOnIt: pfft, I got the looks, why need the brain?...ahh don’t get too carried away player;]

YourPants: damn, I always wanted a girl with both]:…dw pretty girl, I’m keeping the pics to myself;]

SuckOnIt: maybe, you’ll help me be smart then?...erggh, keep the pics for tonight player;]

“ASHLEY!” roared mum’s voice snapping me out of my daydream with the mystery man.

Quickly, I sent him a message.

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