Chapter 10

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With my head held high I walked off towards the backyard for a fresh wind when I banged into something hard.

“Shit, watch where you’re going,” groaned a familiar voice. I looked up in confusion, my eyes landing on the perfect, mouth-watering and a God-alike view of Nick.

I think I passed out.

Chapter 10

Luckily I didn't pass put.

“N-Nick,” I stuttered loosing my cool.

“Yeah, what?” he snapped.

I flinched. I knew what happened between us yesterday wasn’t very comfortable, but shit, he didn’t have rip off my head, did he?

“Jeez, you’re the one that crashed into me,” I snarled.

Two could play at this game.

A humourless laugh escaped his kissable lips. Oh fuck! Not again, get over it Ashley, he’s a badass jerk!

Yeah, a badass and totally do-able jerk.

No, he’s ugly, get that in your thick head.

Excuse you bitch, who are YOU to call me thick?

The devil in your head, now get over that git and show him who’s the boss.

Yeah, you’re right.

I always am.



Screw you!

Nope, then you wont be a virgin anymore.

You’re right…

I always am…

“Fucking hell, I knew you were dumb but hell you even seem to be blind and senseless,” he growled impatiently running his fingers through his dark tussled brown hair.

“Are you always this conceited?”

“What the fuck is your problem?” he yelped.

“You,” I snapped.

Again, a fake chuckle escaped his mouth.

“Solve it then.”

Now, he really was testing my patience.

“Go fucking die and rot in hell, then I maybe won’t have to solve it,” I whisper-yelled.

As much as I would love to make a scene, I really wasn’t feeling it, especially after the incident with Brad. All I wished for was a fresh air and look what I get? I swear, even God hated me.

“Baby, I don’t think hell could handle me.”

“You’re right. No one could handle a conceited mother fucker like you.”

“Not even you” he asked a smirk on his face.

Oh God, if I wasn’t so set on hating him, I would have probably kissed the day light out of him by now. Suddenly, the idea of being a virgin disappointed me. Oh fuck.

“Definitely not me, get over yourself dickhead,” I gnarled.

“How about you get over your fucking self first then maybe I’ll give myself a thought.”

“How about you go get fucked right now and maybe I’ll be able to enjoy my best friends party.”

He laughed. “How about you join me in the fuck offer and we’ll both enjoy the party.”

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