Chapter 11

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I felt sick. My world came crashing down and I knew that if I didn’t leave now, it would possibly be the biggest humiliation I’ve had to face in the sixteen years of my life.

Without thinking anymore, I sprinted out of the room, tears streaming down my face.

Chapter 11.

My legs carried me towards my house, though I didn’t know how. My heart was breaking, my mind was shattered and yet my legs were god damn strong enough to sprint all the way across? This was wrong. I mean, Ashley Brout crying over a boy? Shit, was the world ending? No wonder the scientists were so adamant about the 2012 movie theory. Sophie and I had vowed that in the year 2012, we would sit in our room and watch that god damn movie screaming: “WHY HASN’T THE WORLD ENDED?!” But, in a way, it felt like the world was ending now. Right this moment.

I wanted to hate him: hurt him: slap him: kill him. But deep down my heart, I knew I couldn’t fight the feeling which just wanted him back in my arms. When you watch soppy romance movies, it’s all so cliché when the girl gets heartbroken. A day ago, I would have just laughed at those scenes where the actress curled up in her bed and cried herself to sleep due to some jerk face. Why would we need boys? That’s what I would have thought, but now, experiencing from the physical heartbreak pain, I realised that not everything they show in movies is fake.

I reached my doorstep, stopping right before the firmly shut door to wipe off my remaining traces of tears. Not that it would have made any difference whatsoever. Any idiot would be able to tell I was a mess. And as much as I would like it admit: my families weren’t exactly idiots when it came to me. Infact, they could read me like an open book.

Rummaging through my hand bag, I found the silver key shining in the darkness. I sighed and prepared for the twenty-questions as I shoved the key into the hole and turned the lock. The door creaked open creating an annoying noise.

“Shut up,” I snapped slowly closing the damn door.

My legs carried me across the hallway and into the stairs. The living room door was ajar, a faint light escaped through giving the dark hallway a glint of brightness. I knew they were in there, I could hear the faint murmurs and suddenly followed by loud curious questions.

“Did someone come in?” asked Mia’s voice from the room.

I knew they would come inspecting and therefore, quickly and quietly I hopped up the stairs entering my room. I opened the door and immediately a faint fragrance of my Tiverton perfume reached my nose. I inhaled the familiar room smell and immediately collapsed on my bed.

Face dipped into my pillow, I let the water works explode.

I was alone. Just like I had wished for. A hollow and empty feeling passed my stomach: I cried harder. At the moment, I couldn’t give a fuck on who heard me in this state, all I wanted was for the pain to evade.

“Ashley,” whispered a throaty voice from the door.

Great, just fucking great. I really needed Mia to say “I told you so” again. Why couldn’t people just leave me be?

“What?” I snapped. I didn’t sound angry, in fact, I sounded desperate.

“Are you crying,” she asked peering into my tearful face.

“No, my eyes just decided to piss themselves.”

“Peachy, I see.”

I sighed. “What do you want Mia, I’m really not in the mood.”

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