Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I stood on my bath tub letting the warm water trickle across my body. I didn’t really take a bath now, ever since I had watched that iCarly episode when Carly said that basically you’re lying in your own dirt. A shudder passed through my skin.

“ASHLEY! GET OUT!”  shouted Aiden’s annoying voice outside the bathroom door.

“What do you want dumbass?” I replied. There was no fucking way I was getting out of my lovely shower this quickly. That ass could wait.

“A freaking piss, that’s what I want!” he shouted again. Melodramatic much?

Yup, I think so.

“Well, tell someone that gives a flying poodle about your piss.”

I heard him sigh very loudly. “This is your last chance Ash,” he threatened. “If you don’t get out now, I’m gonna slam the freaking door and start doing my business.”

Now, I was scared. Seriously, you would be too. Trust me you don’t know how stupidly low my brother can get at times. I groaned.

“All right keep your thongs on, I’m finished.”

“You better be, ‘cus it feels like I’mma wet my pants.”

“Don’t let me stop you then,” I chuckled wrapping my dry bath robe around me securely and walking out of the bathroom.

“Bloddy hell,” he groaned. “FINALLY”

I laughed as he literally ran inside, and almost started doing his “business” when my cough interrupted him.

“WHAT?” he snapped.

“Dumbass, wanna close the door?” I laughed.

“Wanna keep on perving on your older brother?” he winked.

“Urgh, you sick prick,” I whispered slamming the door and walking towards my bedroom. Ever since we had been announced that Aiden and I were to share the same bathroom, there’s a riot every single day in the house. You’d think that our lovely (note the sarcasm) parents would finally give up and let us have our OWN bathroom, but obviously it hadn’t worked yet. Come to think of it, I bet they enjoy this thing.


I quickly changed myself into my school top. Being sophomores didn’t really matter in our school; we still had to wear the damn uniform at the fucking time. I pulled my black skinny jeans above my legs and looped a red belt through the hoop. There was no point in putting my hair up today, since it was still dripping with water droplets. SO, I decided to leave it down and let it dry naturally. I wouldn’t really have to worry about my hair, because unlike some other unlucky teenagers, my hair was actually perfect. It was a deep shade of brunette with faint blonde highlight underneath the layers. I wasn’t ugly.

Oh who the hell was I kidding?

I was SEXY!

THE sexiest girl in the school, mind you. No wonder all guys hopelessly stared at me every time I walked past them. But the thing with me is that I don’t really give a damn. I mean, yes I KNOW I’m gorgeous, but I kept it for myself. I wasn’t one of those “sluts” like Nick had kindly referred to as. I admit, I was arrogant and selfish, but I had a good reason for it.

A damn good reason to be honest.

I was still a proud virgin. Yup, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, right?

Didn’t think so. But just in case, I still have to do my absolute best to give the impression that I’ve already lost my virginity. I’m not TOO bothered about it to be honest. I’ve dated countless of guys since I started this new school; it was like a fresh start. And every guy I dated spread the rumour that we had finally “done” it, so it just made my job easier to be honest. Come to think of it, I guess Nick was right in a weird twisted way. To the rest of the school, I probably am a slut…right?

A frown appeared on my forehead as Nick’s name popped in my mind. God I hated that dumb-asshole-sexy-totally-hot-but-ever-so-arrogant boy. I mean one minute, he was all sweet, sitting there praising girls and their dignity for not losing their virginity…and then the next and he’s all dickhead-ed. Bi-polar, much?

I was sure I was falling for him, who wouldn’t? I bet that kid’s fucked half the female population in this city.



I ignored the silly knocking noise from my door and focused on my make- up. Just mascara and a faint touch of eye liner would do. Maybe a clear, see through lip-gloss…?


“WHAT?” I screamed.

An annoying face popped through my door. Great, way to kill my day.

“What do you want?” I snapped angry. I still hadn’t forgiven her for what she had said yesterday…well, more like what she was GOING to say.

“Jeez, whose stick is that up your ass?”

“Get lost Mia.”

She stared at me not even bothering to move.

What the hell was her problem?

“What?”I asked impatiently grabbing my hand bag from the table.

She laughed. “May I ask WHY you’re in such a hurry to go to school?”

“MAYBE because, I don’t wanna be late today.”

She laughed again. Oh God, her freaking laugh was annoying the hell out of me now.

“Ash, you’re suspended, aren’t you?” she asked innocently.

Then, it all came crashing down.

Ditching school.

Being told off my the principle.

Being grounded…


Getting a tutor…


“Shit,” I whispered dropping down on my bed with a loud thud. How could I have forgotten?

“Let me guess, you forgot?” Mia laughed her great laugh propping herself down on my bed.

Not a good idea…like I told you before, I HATE people getting on my bed.

“Get off,” I snarled.

Instead of arguing back like she always did, she said nothing and did as she was told.

“You’re still angry about yesterday?” she asked.

“No, why would I be?” I said, a hint of sarcasm escaping my breath. “My sister decides to slap me around the face with my darkest secret and I’m supposed to be angry? Why, Mia? Whatever made you think that way?”

Suddenly, she walked towards the door with a pitiful look on her face? What the fuck?

“You know, I actually came here to apologise, but since you’re gonna be a sarcastic bitch, I may as well forget it”

“YOU WHAT?” I asked shocked.

My ears were ringing with surprise and excitement. Never in these past 16 years had Mia EVER apologised to me at all.

“Nothing,” she mumbled obviously regretting it already.

Whatever like I gave a donkey’s ass.

But, it still would have been nice to hear an apology though…



I know its been ages since I last updated]: been SOOOO busy with exams and crap, but I promise I’ll be writing more from now on:D




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