Chapter 23: Elisha Veth's Spectacular Thoughts (Part 3/4)

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"Dominic," I began, mentioning his name, softly. ". . . you're a very nice guy," I told the truth, and meant it. "but," as I took a deep breathe, ". . . I don't, really think, that I'm ready enough for this kind of, situation." a sudden slight pain hit my chest just by saying so. "But I don't want you to leave. So, stay. Please. And, just wait. I just need some time to think, and a friend. And, yes. I really can't do this on my own. You're different, and I like your difference. Like, really. But I hope we can just be friends, for the meantime." I spent seconds in realizing what I just said, which after then made me smile breathingly as I looked away, I think I've read the whole statement from a book, really wanted to clear out my eyes from all these tears that had stayed on my eyes for quite some time now. "You know what," I continued, "I apologize for being shallow-minded when it comes to this. I mean, no has ever made me feel this special before. And I never expected someone would. I don't even know how to react, or simply know what to say. I'm just not used to it."

"Then they're unfortunate." he said. His emotion began blurring again, unreadable.

"So are you saying that, you are?" I sounded like I was asking for forgiveness, and my wanting to wipe my eyes didn't matter anymore.

"The word's not even enough." he answered, "Elisha Veth," as he again said my name, "come closer."

"W-why?" I asked, fake smiling.

"I said, come closer." he then emphatically repeated what he just said, as he placed both of his arms on the table, crossed. He went closer, made me dirtily think of him waiting for a kiss. It wasn't long before I decided to pretend brave keeping the same smile, obeyed to his orders, copied his position. Our faces were inches away, shamelessly. Seconds, he stared. But surprisingly then, he lifted his head down to his side, getting something from his pocket with his hand. It's a tissue. Never thought he would keep one in his pocket. He unfolded it as he then, as expected, wiped it nicely on the skin below my left eye, I closed both of them. Subsequently he did the same to the other one, and so as to the other watery parts of my face, made me feel better. I wasn't that much nervous when he did everything, it's not the first time anyway. "You're beautiful," he said, I opened my eyes, he's still cleaning my forehead. "This is yours, by the way. It's quite crumpled, I hope you don't mind."

I smiled when he said, as I again closed both eyelids. "I hate it when I cry," I told him, "it always make me feel like I'm having a cold due to the way my nose behaves." just made him smirk.

"You don't say," he's doing the finishing touches, ". . . okay," he breathed out, I opened up. "Now that, that's done," he continued, folding the Kleenex with his eyes attached on it, I do think he's shy. ". . . Can I take you somewhere?" he looked up and asked, more like of a now-or-never kind of question.

"I'm afraid that I don't have a single idea where that somewhere is." I said to him, he smiled, again. But this time, he dared not taking his eyes off mine.

"Somewhere." he repeated, but more affectionate.


I'm in love with thee Elisha Veth Twain, and it came naturally. I figured, and I agreed. I didn't need that much time in knowing more about her. Because, I believe, that her presence is the foundation of her own identity. She can define herself without a single word. I could've described her in a million different words inside my mind, but somehow the only attribute I could speak out is just how beautiful she is. Because she is, no doubt. I didn't even want to eat my own food. I'm really the type of guy who selects the dish that I find more tasteful and that can ignore the other one which has just been defeated accordingly to my tastebuds. Whether I taste the better food through my mouth, eyes, or any of my existing and to be discovered senses left. But I have no plan in eating her. Love, perhaps.

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