Part 3

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Neil did doze off for a short nap when it was reported the superior officer in charge of his next mission would meet him an hour later than expected. He had been delayed due to some road closures.

The first thing he noticed was red. It was not splattering around him like blood would. The vague image turned around to face him. He realized it was her. There was a haunting look in her dark brown eyes.

The intensity in her expression changed when she seemed to looking behind him.

She began to rush towards him. He looked at her surprised. Before he could get a chance to react, she had already pulled him out of harm's way.

Gunshots rang out behind the area where he was moments before.

Moments later they were running for their lives.

They came across an old abandoned bus and on the other side was a motor bike.

"Officer if we can key this, we can escape!," she declared.

" Do you know who was after us?"

" They have no specific face. They just have one goal . We have to stop them!"

Minutes later they were riding off in the distance.

The road narrowed and he yelled, " Be careful, hold onto me tight!"

She gripped him by the waist firmly.

" I trust you. Listen if we have to jump, we will go together. I cannot leave you to die," she said.

"Why? You don't even know me," he said frantically as he did not want to cause their end here.

" You know why Neil," she said.

Suddenly they had no more stable road to travel on, they were going to land somewhere in a deep raven.

Neil lurched awake before the impact of the crash could be felt in the dream.

DD had shaken him awake.

" Are you alright sir?"

Neil gained his composure quickly.

" Could I just have some water?"

"Sure sir."

He returned with the water. Soon after their commanding officer arrived and they stood up to salute him.

" Hello officers. I hope you are ready for your brief."

Commander Joshi explained the situation to them. Apparently a rich elite business man was going to be hosting a gathering that night locally. However he was known for indirectly promoting illegal businesses. The reason Neil and DD were needed was because there was suspicion some terrorist groups were funded by this illegal ventures. If there was a terrorist cell involved it may lead them to uncover their camps and capture the men before they could harm more people in India and Pakistan.

" Neil , DD, you both need to go in disguise. I have arranged a contact that will be meeting you both locally to prepare for the mission. One thing I must make you aware that we aren't the only ones may be at the gathering tonight. I have received word from one of my contacts that there are possibly two CID officers present in the area at this time."

" Sir, CID cyan yahan hoga?," DD asked.

The commander sighed.

" The higher ups don't want to take a risk this time. They have sent CID to some base camps as well in the past as well. Since the tragic events of 2008, they are trying in their own way to prevent a repeat."

" Sir if we happen to uncover who these agents are, how are we supposed to proceed?"

"Protect all of your identities, and if that is not possible abort the mission," the commander stated firmly.

Neil affirmed details of the plan once more before he and DD headed off to prepare everything.


" Sunheri are you sure we are supposed to wear these outfits to the event tonight?"

" Yes yaar. Theme yeh too hai. Don't worry everyone will be wearing these kind of outfits."

" Then why are you champ chalo and I am dressed like Kajol used to in her older movies?," her friend commented.

" Boss requested this. You know as well as I do we cannot look like we are government employees. It cause the culprits to run. Our goal is to uncover the truth without getting caught," she reminded Ananya.

" Theek hai. Tum shah ho. If we get recognized we have to abort the mission. However I hope to do well this time. I don't mind the medical missions, but I want to beat some terrorists up. Then they can send me back to some medical ward to treat the wounded."

" Don't worry I will find you someone to beat up. Listen I will entice one then you can beat him up and do all that woman power stuff you do best," Sunheri chimed.

Ananya shook her head and swatted her friend's shoulder. Three years they had been working together and this girl always said something crazy.

" No need to get yourself in trouble unnecessarily. Chal let's go get ready and grab some food before we have to get to work," Ananya declared.

The girls grabbed their things and paid for their costumes.

They passed by two men dressed in casuals.

" Guess others are all here to find costumes for this event tonight," Sunheri commented.

" Yes as it is the main event in Mussorie tonight. Better there is a mix of people, less likely we will stand out," Ananya replied.

The girls headed their way back to their headquarters which was a a safe house ten kilometers away.

Neil stopped outside the store and turned to DD.

" I guess this is the place right?"

" Jee sir, this is where our contact told us to come. Our clothes just need some quick tailoring then we can head out." DD assured him.

DD ended up looking like Magambo and Neil like a sheriff from the American westerns.

" This Jatin Farzi decided to make an interesting theme to divert everyone's mind to the real businesses he invests in," Neil said as he peered into the mirror.

" Yes sir. But we shall make do. It is a joint government and special services operation after all."

The event started at 8pm. The foursome arrived at varied times. The girls wore bluetooths behind their hair.

The boys had chips hidden in their costumes.

Ananya surveyed the crowd. She was determined to keep a straight face. Music played the in the background. Some people danced but most were mingling and chatting amongst themselves. She was going to look for some secret room that rumor had it, was inside this house.

As she started to edge away from the bar area she stopped short.

" Yeh officer yahan kara hai?"

This was no coincidence. He was sent here for the same reasons perhaps she was. Or did he plan this because he didn't think two female CID agents could handle a bit of undercover work?

She fumed but knew she had to play along until she figured out his role here. She was planning to keep her distance but then he spotted her and starting walking towards her.

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