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Part Ten

They were on their way to Pune. It had been three days since they started their research and completed some leg work to figure out what they had to do next.

They had reports of an illegal drug cartel between Pune express highway heading towards Mumbai.

The foursome would spilt into two and investigate.

As they approached the warehouse, Neil turned to Avni.

" You can provide cover, I will go in the back entrance first."

"Why do you want to be in the lead? You are the better mark. I can go first and survey the site, then you can start cover fire," Avni explained.

Neil arrowed his eyes at her as he shifted the gear into parking.

"Three days ago you had a different story to tell. You didn't want to return to the field."

"Maybe I changed my mind. Now shall we go officer?"

Neil rolled his eyes as he watched her walk ahead.

DD and Sunheri exchanged looks and went in their designated area to survey the area.

" Yeh Sir aur Madamji ki nok jok bhi bauth intense chalri hai aaj kal," DD muttered.

" Your Neil sir also played her for about a year. She has right to be upset," Sunheri countered.

As they stopped to survey the front exit, DD turned to Sunheri , " Ok while we are here waiting, let's compare our seniors attributes. If they compliment each other, we should maybe play cupid between them."


"Shh! I don't want to ruin it like we might have had two years ago," DD hissed.

"Theek hai, well I will start. Avni is always on time," Sunheri stated.

"What does it mean she is always on time?"

"She is always 15-30 minutes early never late, now go on about Neil sir!"

" His mark is always on target!," DD chimed.

" In what context are you saying that?"

"Both he shoots the criminals if he needs to right between the eyes or on the shoulder if we need to interrogate them. He also makes a goal and always reaches his target."

"So who is his target now?"

"Avni to be Bhabhi's heart. But your friend is not so easy to capture," DD replied.

Sunheri scoffed.

" She has legit reasons. Besides you guys don't know her that well yet," she added.

Suddenly they heard a gunshot, they ran to the front door awaiting Neil's message.


" This place is booby trapped everywhere," Avni declared as she carefully stepped forward.

"Avni dhyan se. Guess they expected some unwanted company today," Neil declared.

Sensing a movement in the distance, she edged closer to get a better look.

A shot rang out above their heads as they quickly ducked.

Both ran hand down from the back of their heads down to their shoes. No injuries thus far. Then the ticking began.

They turned to face each other and mouthed bomb.

Not knowing if the other two were close enough for impact , they had to shoot down the door that someone had latched behind them.

They scrambled out as Neil radioed for them to stand back.

Avni was going to run towards the other side to check on them , when Neil pulled her down besides him.

The bomb started ticking louder and then everything in the warehouse exploded.

They got up and scrambled back some distance.

"Did we just loose DD and Sunheri?"

Neil saw her forlorn expression and reached for his radio.

" DD, Sunheri do either of you copy?"

Avni and Neil held their breaths.

"Copy Neil Sir, we both are just shaken up. What do we do next?"

"Call the fire brigade then we keep going on with our investigation."

"Thanks Neil. Aaj firse tumne meri jaan bechayi."

" In the relationship we share , there is no need for thanks or sorry." he replied.

He took a deep breath before heading back towards the jeep.

She offered him some water from the back and sat besides him.

"Here I thought we could get some criminals today. Now I guess we have to see what we can salvage from this wreckage," she muttered.

Neil shook his head.

" The firemen will clear this up and the chief will update us. We will go freshen up at a hotel then we have to head to the market to chase our other leads. If someone from your father's old cases sees us, they will make a mistake and that is how we shall get closer to the truth."

DD and Sunheri returned looking besides for having soot on their faces and clothes.

"Thank goodness we are all still alive," Sunheri declared.

"Now what sir? We called the fire brigade."

"Once they get here we can make our next move," Neil stated.

"For now we wait," Avni added.

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