Yaddein aur Himmat

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Author's note- I  posted the above song as it exemplies the below emotional update and Neil's unspoken promise to never abandon Avni in any turn in life and Avni as well strives to meet him halfway and support him in any challenge that comes their way.

Part Twelve

Avni sat on the roof of the Khanna house awaiting her fiancé. They had their roka ceremony earlier that day. She had returned to meet him here for them to look at the final case report of her father's disappearance.

She turned slowly sensing Neil's presence.

He gave her a solemn look as he opened the envelope and handed her the file that had finally been completed. For over seven years Ashok Mehta's disappearance had been a mystery. Tonight they would know the truth.

Avni read through the file and came to final conclusion of the internal government conclusion of what transpired in regards to her father.

Ashok Mehta was scheduled to return Mumbai and lead a command force to investigate the terrorist attacks in the Taj in November of 2008. Unfortunately he was determined to be killed in the riots enroute to the Taj. As a side note, his wife Ayesha Mehta died in the Taj hotel in late November 2008. Remains of Ashok Mehta were not located as of this writing.

It was as if a dam broke. Avni dropped the file on the ground. Neil grabbed her arm and embraced her, preventing her from slipping from the ledge.

" He's truly gone. I always thought he was stuck somewhere. Even if he's gone Neil, why couldn't they have been together before the end?," Avni cried.

" I got you Avni. Yaad hai last week we talked about our loved ones always watching over us? My bua, uncle and your parents led us to each other. Our lives would have been so different had they still been here."

She looked up at him and clutched his collar.

"Listen i would have found you and stolen you away ," she declared like a child would declare someone their favorite person.

Neil smirked.

" I could not imagine anyone as my queen. Now in all seriousness, is there anything I can do, or you want to do?"

" Take me back to Neela Ma and Aman. They were preparing for this reality," she whispered back to him.

They stood up together and Avni wiped her tears. Neil kissed her forehead.

She felt the love he had for her in that chaste kiss. She couldn't wait to be his wife. Already he had supported her so well. She hoped she could reciprocate the same for him if he ever needed her in the way she has needed him over the years.

Neela opened the door to see the forlorn looks on the couple's faces. So what they all had feared had been affirmed.

They held a candlelight vigil in memory of all family members and friends lost in the attacks in November 2008. The Khannas came with Kareena, Neil's cousin.

This meeting would begin the blossoming of a new friendship between Kareena and Aman. Everyone shared a funny story related to someone they had lost in the attacks.

Bebe talked about when she first held Kareena in her arms and how her parents had a love match. Avni talked about her dadi not liking their mother but she grew to like her when she took up a job to support the household when her father had to travel a lot. Neil talked about his bua and how she always spoiled him even after being blessed with Kareena.

Aman talked about the pranks he would pull with Ashok when he surprised Avni and her mother about his sudden trips home when his assignments would end and he would be able to come home for a little while.

Flashback June 2007

Avni was in her second semester of college.

She was walking towards the bus station when she realized a car was following her. The phone gifted to her by father during his last trip home rang in her pocket.

" Don't go in the bus princess. Papa is here to take you home."

"Papa there is a car following me."

" What color is it," Ashok said calmly.

" It's a black car with tinted windows. I think I am going to take the bus. If I wait here it may not be safe."

The driver honked at her. The window slid down and her brother waved her over.

"It's us Di, come on!"

Avni hestiatingly walked towards the car.

She opened the door and her father was seated besides her brother.

" You guys scared me!"

Ashok laughed.

" How about we go scare your mother next?"

Avni smiled and agreed to the duo's plan.

" Aman do you know why Papa had that car and came to pick up that day? That was last time we had time together as a family."

" I think Papa knew it would be a long time before he could see us all again. I remember him telling me that we will do lots of masti as he has a long journey to go on this time."

" Then he never came back after that," Avni said with a heavy heart.

Neela held the two siblings on either side of herself. Everyone else had gone home a little while ago.

This wasn't the closure they expected but it was better than the emptiness that been around all these years.

Late the next morning, Avni was lounging with her morning cup of tea. It had rained heavily in the wee hours of the morning. She recalled the times her father was home with them when they had off from school, she would join her parents in the lawn of their old home and they would talk about everything then sometimes nothing at all. It was a time she felt like her world was protected. She would be a doctor someday. Ayesha could stop working and they would go on a family holiday at last.

Could she ever have that peace again?

She sighed as she noticed a call from DD coming in on her phone.

" Hey DD kya hora hai?"

" Bhabi woh Neil sir aapko Chumko cafe mein milna chahte hain."

"Lekin kyun?"

"Kuch khaas batna hai aap ko," he replied.

Avni hung up the phone and went to get ready. Why hadn't Neil called her directly? Was everything ok?

Neela Ma was in her room when Avni emerged into the hall. She sent her a text and then headed out to meet Neil.

Avni arrived at the cafe and her eyes scanned the area to find her fiancé .

Suddenly she spotted him, she rushed towards him and he led her to a chair.

"Neil why did you have DD call me here? Is everything ok?"

He turned solemn and looked at her directly after some hesitation.

" I am no longer part of the special services team of the Indian army," he stated.

She gasped.

" Neil is it because of the case we worked on together? Is it my fault?"

Neil shook his head.

' I have two ,possibly three options on what to do next. Will you help me decide?"

Avni nodded.

Aaja Mahi- Avneil AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now