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"Neil why did you bring me here?," Avni asked.

" Kya tum manti, if I spoke to you about what I have to say next?"

She frowned at him. Didn't he lose memory of their time together two years ago?

"You must be so confused right now. But bottom line is, you are a good agent can we can use your help on a case," he admitted.

"Why should I help any in case? I haven't been with the CID the past few years. Aren't my skills rusty by now?"

He got up from the desk and walked towards her.

" Shall we find out?"

Taking his hand hesitatingly, she started getting up but did not expect what happened next.

He had his arm around her in firm hold.

" Give me your best shot Avni, get out of my hold," Neil urged.

Gaining her full confidence, she used her elbow to nudge his chest and then took the chance to knock him back to the ground.

She started to walk away to find an exit but his voice stopped her.

" Don't you want to know the case Avni?"

"Kya farak pata hai, I am not an agent anymore. I can't help anyway," she muttered.

Neil got up and dusted himself off.

" Ashok Mehta ka case hai. Apparently whoever attacked you a few days earlier was not your enemy directly but maybe one of his," Neil declared.

Avni turned back to face him.

" Could they be involved in why my father never came home back then? Why my mother took a job in the hotel and then died in those attacks?"

Neil looked at her solemnly.

" I don't know Avni but I know you have two choices today. Either you go into witness protection until we figure it out or you can join us in finding out who wants to harm you."

Avni frowned.

" Who is us? Also you didn't have to kidnap me from the hospital to tell me all this?"

" Madamji agar hum nahin karte tu woh log karte," another person's voice loomed in the darkened room.

Avni's eyes widened when she spotted DD.

" Tum bhi?"

" Aur mein bhi," Sunheri stepped out of the shadows.

" Why ? Oh no Neela Ma and Aman, they must be worried."

" We told them you might have to disappear for a few days. Your old boss had some work he needed you to do for a few days, maybe more," Neil stated.

She eyed him suspiciously.

" They just believed you?"

"Why do you think Aman left you to to go get the car?"

" I still don't understand why we couldn't have done without you guys planning my kidnapping," Avni fumed.

" Listen yaar, I know you are angry with us. But we want to keep everyone safe. I convinced Neil to give you this option. Because the Avni Mehta I know doesn't like to back down without a fight."

She sighed with disbelief. She might as well join them. She sometimes wondered if she did the right thing leaving the CID. Had she stayed perhaps she would have averted the attack some days ago.

" Theek hai. Where do we start?"

Neil smiled as he turned on the main switch.

There was a screen set up and files piled up on the table.

" We start from these. We will comb through the information we have, then we can spilt up from time to follow up on any leads we get. We will hold out here for the next few days then head to Pune," Neil declared.

Avni frowned.

" Why Pune?"

" Because it is not Mumbai but close enough for us to make our moves," Neil replied.

Later that day Avni freshened up and headed out to sit on the beach. She started to wade in the water.

In the distance, DD , Sunheri and Neil stood observing her.

"Neil I feel like we betrayed her trust. Maybe we should have proceeded with this some other way," Sunheri lamented.

"Dekho Sunheri we have gone over this before. Avni is the one for this mission. We could have pursued her brother. But Aman is still young and Avni has worked as an agent before.."

" Sir do you still have feelings for madamji?," DD asked.

"DD what are you..."

" You didn't have to involve her. When we found out the people might have a link with her father's past, we could have convinced her for witness protection but you influenced her to work on the case with us."

Neil sighed.

" We have both lost loved ones. Perhaps I just want her to get the closure I will never get. I see Kareena's face and wish I could take away her pain," he admitted.

" Neil sir it may not be a smooth journey," Sunheri warned.

"It was never meant to be that way. Once we find some depth of the truth, Avni will make her decisions based on her heart and not what she feels pressured to accomplish,"

Neil walked towards where Avni was.

The other two looked on not sure what to expect.

Avni sensed his presence and started to walk away from him.

He grabbed her wrist.

She turned around.

" Why did you lie to me? I had thought you forgot me. I feel like such a fool," she admitted.

"Why did you think I saved you? Yes I was there at the right time but also because I want you to find the truth and prevent what happened to our families again."

" You are right. I guess you had your reasons to pretend around me," Avni said bitterly.

Neil let her go realizing she would need time to process everything. Tomorrow was a new day.

He watched her retreat back towards their hideout.

Yes he wanted to figure out what happened to Ashok Mehta but most of all he wanted Avni to be safe and strong enough to deal with whatever life took her next.

Author's note: I chose the above song because Avni and Neil have similar pains. Avni will have a chance to find out the truth of what happened to her father. Did Neil do the right thing giving her the choices he gave her in this part? Leave your feedback.

Aaja Mahi- Avneil AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now