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Part Eight

Avni slowly opened her eyes as she found herself in a hospital bed. The beeping of a heart monitor at her bedside made her realize what had happened earlier was not a dream.

She took a deep breath as she became acclimated to her surroundings. Her eyes met Neela Ma's.

Avni tried to get up but a hand on her shoulder and Neela's shaking of her head caused her to lay back down.

" Beta you have a concussion, luckily you are going be just fine," she assured her.

"Yeh kaise huya?"

She met the other person in the room.

It was Neil Khanna.

" Dr. Avni seems like you need to be more aware of your surroundings," he jested.

Her face fell realizing that he didn't remember her from their initial meetings. But at least he wouldn't ever have to get disappointed in her again that she had left CID. He had not admitted that when she had gone to return his vest. She wondered if he had ever found the note she left in his vest pocket. Perhaps it had fallen somewhere admist all his travels since then.

Perhaps now they could start all over.

" Neil saved you from getting hurt more severely," Neela stated.

Avni nodded slightly.

"Thanks officer for your help," Avni stammered out , suddenly realizing she had revealed too much.

Neil seemed to not be fazed.

She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

" So was someone trying to just run me over or was I in the wrong place wrong time?"

Neil and Neela exchanged looks.

" I have a friend who is working on it. You need rest. When I know something I will let you both know."

Neil offered to let the nurse know that Avni was awake.

As he was leaving he overheard Avni ask her mother something.

"Aman kahan hai? Kya usko pata hai?"

Neil froze for a second.

A memory surfaced his mind.

There was a vague figure telling him about her brother Aman.

"Neela Ma aap Mumbai kab poonchi?"

"Beta I got a call from the hospital two hours ago. They had me as your first emergency contact. I will call Aman now. I didn't want to alarm him until I knew how you were," Neela replied.

" Yes let's call him. He is probably wondering why I am not home yet."

Neil told the nurse Avni was awake.

He headed off to meet Bebe and then returned soon after Aman arrived. He was going to say bye to Avni and then head home since she had her family with her now.

Aman and Avni looked up together noticing Neil in the doorway.

" Aman, this is Neil, he saved my life today," Avni declared.

" Thanks so much for saving my Di. She is pretty much the most important person left in my life besides for Neela Ma," Aman admitted.

Avni smiled slightly.

" Of course it was my duty. After all your sister saves lives all the time, if we keep our doctors and nurses safe, it will only benefit the rest of us," Neil stated.

" So are you going home now? I heard your Bebe was here. I hope she feels better soon," Avni said.

Neil smiled.

" Thanks for the good wishes. Yes I am headed out now. I will meet my friend soon and will update you all. I will tell Bebe you were asking about her. You should come visit her when you both are discharged," Neil insisted.

" Yes of course. Take care Neil," Avni replied.

Sometime later..

" How is madamji now sir?"

" Usse hosh aagaya hai. She should be fine in a few days."

" I want to know who wants her dead and why."

" When will you tell her the truth?"

" Once the details are set in stone, I will tell her."

Two days later..

" Aman, I want to meet Neil's Bebe really quick before I leave. I will call you once I am done. No need for you to wait here for me," Avni told her brother.

" Are you sure Di? I mean someone tried to hurt you just few days ago, I should..."

" I am more alert now. I know how to take care of myself. I promise as soon as I am about to leave, I will call," she promised.

Avni knocked on the room door assigned to Neil's Bebe and was surprised to find it empty. The sheets had been removed. She decided to wait for the orderly to ask what had happened to Bebe. She hoped she had been discharged home.

Before she could realize someone grabbed her from behind. A cloth covered her face and she started to feel suffocated.

She used whatever energy she had to kick her attacker but soon everything faded away.

It seemed like eons before she gained consciousness.

Her surroundings smelled like the ocean. She slowly opened her eyes to see a figure clouded in darkness at a desk.

" Kaun ho tum? Why did you bring me here?"

The light flickered on revealing her abductor.

" Welcome to Goa Ms. Ananya Verma oof Dr. Avni Mehta."

She looked back at the kidnapper in astonishment.

Aaja Mahi- Avneil AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now