Part Fifteen

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 Author's note:  If you want more of them I will be back with Mr. and Mrs.Khanna as a a sequel, otherwise I leave the story open here after this update. Thanks for  supporting me despite my writer's block earlier. I have no idea what snapped me out of it, but here is the rest of Aaja Mahi. Hope to be back with something new  later this summer! I chose the above song as it showcases what the leads have gone through in my story and their strength in difficult situations. I tried to show some strong female characters in all my stories so far. Hope to keep improving and take you all on a new journey each time. In life we don't always get what we want, but through creativity avenues we can present our wishes and ideas in different lights. Enjoy the update.

Part Fifteen

"Neil why does she need to go? She is not Ananya Verma? We all know that was my other identity when I worked for the CID," Avni declared.

Neil took a deep breath.

" Avni naam tumara lekin chehra.."

" Sunheri ka." DD finished.

" Lekin usne mere saath kuch nahin kiya. He will definitely come for Ananya Verma. Abhi we need to find a way to confuse him and then attack him. If we don't not only will we lose ourselves but many others," Sunheri declared.

" DD come let's see what can be done. Avni you stay with Sunheri, we will make a plan to see what we can do next," Neil stated.

" Theek hai. Let us know what happens." Avni replied solemnly.

" Yaar we prayed for you and Neil to be together. Then our love story started. This Vidyuth Pandit had to come along and ruin everything," her friend declared after their men left.

Avni and Neil's wedding was due to happen in a week.

Their past or present hurdles would keep happening. It was up to them whether they let the hurdles bog them down.

" Sunheri I have an idea of how to trap Vidyuth. You go freshen up," she urged.

" Kya karne ki koshish karne wali ho?"

Avni smirked.

" If he wants revenge let him think he got it. Then we corner him and finish him off," Avni said with confidence.

" Tu itni shatir hai mujhe nahin maloom tha," Sunheri declared.

" Just wait and see what web I catch him in. I may need your indirect help," Avni said.

" Neil and DD are going to be so furious with us."

"Nope if DD wants you not in witness protection, then he will convince Neil to let me go ahead in my plan," Avni assured her friend.

Some time later,

" Kya Ananya Verma ki kaal shaadi hai?"

" Yes sir."

" No she cannot get married. She insulted me. Ananya has to pay for her insulting me. She didn't come forward when I kidnapped her friend. Her friend will give her location. Then I will end her happiness and her husband to be!"

Vidyuth and his gang entered a wedding hall.

The lights were switched off.

" Someone get lights on. I want Ananya alive. You can kill the groom once we find them," Vidyuth yelled.

One of his men went and switched the lights on.

Vidyuth was stunned to see of Mumbai police surrounding them.

A woman stood under a veil with a groom at her side.

Vidyuth lifted the veil to meet her stone cold eyes.

" Hello Vidyuth Pandit."

" Did the girl give you this address?"

" Yes she did," Sunheri declared.

Vidyuth gave her a death glare.

" You didn't physically harm me otherwise I would have put a bullet in your head by now," she replied to his glare.

" All I want is Ananya Verma. If you hand her over, I might just let all of you free," he hissed.

" What a fool? Seriously you are the one that came here to commit attempted murder. You already have a charge of kidnapping. I am sure the rest of your illegal businesses will drown soon enough," the woman behind him stated.

" Tum kaun ho?"

" Officers what are you waiting for ? He was coming here to murder my groom," Avni declared.

The police grabbed ahold of Vidyuth and his men.

" I will return and I will kill all of you!"

Avni stood her ground.

" I will be ready," she declared.


Sunheri and DD proudly watched as Avni and Neil went through their wedding rituals. Neela and Shweta beemed as they ensured everything was going well with the wedding and guests.

" Sunheri I am proud of you and Bhabhi today as you didn't allow either of each other falter in the plan," DD declared.

" DD, look at everyone in our inner circle. Shweta Auntie, Neela Ma, Prakash Uncle, Aman, Kareena and Bebe, these people have always supported us four. Avni and I are so lucky to find you and DD in our journeys. I didn't think much of you in the beginning but you keep proving yourself to be the man my parents would have picked for me had things turned out differently in our lives."

DD smiled brightly.

He was speechless at his lady love's words.

" Chalo ab let's take pointers for our turn is next after theirs," he said.

Sunheri smiled knowingly and started throwing rose petals at their friends as they finished their rounds around the sacred fire.

Their relatives had finally left them alone and allowed Neil to enter their bedroom.

"How much did Sunheri and Kareena take from you today?"

" Plenty but everything is worth it for my lady don," Neil declared.

Avni smiled.

" Here I think you need some milk," Neil said handing her the glass.

" Neil?"

" After how you planned Vidyuth's arrest, I am starting to wonder if you should have joined the police instead of me," he quipped.

" Whatever pati dev. I am fine being a lady don. As for this milk, I don't mind if I do!"

Neil chuckled.

Moments later he pulled her into his arms and the night passed by with some bliss.

No matter what happened next, they would always be on call for their country. In the meantime it was time for them to enjoy a night for themselves.

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