Part Seven- Dooriyan

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Part Seven-Dooriyaan

" Sir even if we get to return to Mumbai sooner or later, how will you find madam again?," DD asked as they were about to hand over their phones and excess belongings to be locked up.

Neil paused for a moment and recalled his time alone with Ananya or whoever she really was.

" I can't really tell you who I really am but I have a brother named Aman. Our guardian is who we lovingly call Neela Ma," she admitted.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because If we get ambushed later before help comes, I want someone to tell them how much I love them and not to miss me too much," she said in the one true vulnerable moment she had when around him.

Neil knew it wasn't much but it was a clue to help him finding her. Plus she was going back to work as a doctor according to what Sunheri told DD.

" When there is a will there is a way. Let's prepare for our next mission shall we? Commander Joshi wanted us to review the plans with the rest of our team before we leave."

DD nodded his understanding and followed him down to the main room.

Ananya meanwhile arrived home in Mumbai.

She wasn't sure if she would meet Neil again. However she had a heavy heart worried about what would happen to him. They were probably going after some terrorist cells near the border towns. The details of course weren't public.

The moderate sized home they made for themselves after Ayesha's sudden demise in the terrorist attacks in 2008, came into view as the taxi dropped her off on her street. She sighed. It was truly the second best home she had or maybe it was better because there was no influence of her Dadi's evil plans to separate her parents here. Neela Ma had ensured the two youngsters had a close to normal life after the attacks. Normal was overrated after going through such a tragedy.

Ananya had chosen to join the CID for some rescue missions and then ended up at the Farzi's party. However things had not gone to plan. She realized she was better off caring for the injured and those left behind. Perhaps if the right opportunity presented itself she would join them for a case if required.

Now she had come home to return to her real identity.

" Avni aagayi tum?"

Ananya turned around in the living room to see Neela Ma had arrived home.

Neela stepped forward and looked up the younger woman head to toe. Bruises and minor cuts were visible despite her choice of clothes today.

" Tum theek ho?," she asked with concern.

Avni nodded. She always turned a bit emotional when returning to civilian life. But today more so because she had left Ananya Verma behind perhaps forever.

" Ma I have left the CID. I know you and Ayesha Ma wouldn't have preferred me to stay as Ananya Verma anyway," she declared.

Her words had multiple meanings.

Neela turned teary eyed before hugging her daughter.

" Your father was away from you all for so long due to his career. I would hate for you to disappear like he did. Aman needs you Avni as so do I," she admitted.

" I will freshen up then I have to call the director of the local government hospital. I had done my internship there a few years back. They want to hire me for the veteran's ward," Avni stated.

" Theek hai, all the best beta. i know it is a big change for you. I am proud of you anyway. Yaad rakna."

Avni merely nodded before heading up to her room.

Aman was happy to have his sister back home. They went out for a ice cream treat after his exams.

It was several months since Avni had left the CID.

Someone was at the ice cream parlor talking about some soldiers having been ambushed some 50 kilograms from the border. Avni grew listless. Had Neil been in that convoy?

Aman noticed his sister was distracted.

"Kya hua Di? Your ice cream is going to melt, khalo na."

She nodded snapping out of her reverie. She would have to forget him. This life was no fairytale. She would not meet him again. There was so such reason for her to think about him. Even if he was safe, he was probably engaged or married to someone else by now.

Two years later...

Neil had been discharged from active duty. He had made a miraculous recovery from injuries suffered from an incident eighteen months ago. He had some fragmented memories of another time in his life. He could not recall everything.

He had to visit his Bebe in the hospital. She had to have a cardiac cath two days back. He stopped at a flower shop to gather flowers for a bouquet for her.

Avni was in the same market some distance away. She had completed her half shift and decided to buy groceries for the house. Neela Ma was returning from her trip today. Aman had started his first job post graduation a few months ago.

Avni was about to leave the market when she spotted a familiar figure at the flower stand.

He turned around to face her direction. Then she knew who it was for sure.

He waved at her.

" Hello Dr. Avni right?"

She smiled slightly nodding her head.

" I hope you are doing well Mr. Khanna. She had almost said officer but she did not want to remind him that they knew each other before the past year.

One year ago..

" Dr. Mehta we have a patient that is critical. He was a victim in that recent attack that happened in Singhanas private airport arena several hours ago."

" You mean where they had that terrorist attack during the concert?"

" Yes madam."

" I am coming right over. Get the OT ready. Inform the trauma surgeon. He has served our country, he deserves the best care," Avni declared.

She stopped short realizing who he was. It was officer Neil Khanna.

Snapping out of her reverie as one of the nurses tried to give her report on his injuries, she began to work with the team to stabilize him.

Neil did make it but he did not recall her.

She was cordial with his family members but besides reports of his progress she never really got too close to them. She remained in a professional stance. But she could not help but be drawn to check on him even on the days he was not assigned to her.

After his discharge she never had any contact with him until today.

Suddenly he was waving frantically at her and then he started to run towards her. Before she knew what was happening she was thrown to the ground Her bags went flying and so did Neil and herself.

Suddenly everything went black.

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