Chapter 30

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Luca woke up from his sleep.  He had a fun night with his sister and it was nice to spend time with her.  He threw his blanket off his body and hopped of his bed.  He unclothed himself and took a long hot shower.  Once finished, he got dressed for the day.  He grabbed his tooth brush and started brushing his teeth before leaving his room as he finish putting on his shirt at the same time.  He knocked on Irene's door to see if she was in yet.  He opened the door, but nothing looked different then it did the night before.  He furrowed his eyebrows confused as he closed the door.  He went back into the bathroom and spit out the toothpaste.  He went downstairs into the kitchen to see if maybe Irene was eating breakfast.  He decided he'd try the living room hoping maybe Irene went to watch T.V., but she wasn't there either.  It was only Celeste, Trinity and Hye-Jin who sat in the living room watching the news. Lorenzo walked in and kissed Celeste on the cheek while on the phone with someone.

"Hey, Lorenzo," Luca said. Lorenzo put his hand up telling home not to talk while he continued walking back and forth. "Lorenzo," he tried again, but received the same answer. "Lorenzo, listen to me," Luca said. Lorenzo groan and stopped in front of Luca.

"Could you hold on for a second," Lorenzo told the person in the other line. "What? What do you want? Can't you see I'm on the fucking phone," Lorenzo said.

"I know, but have you seen Irene?" He asked.

"Seriously. No, I haven't seen her. She's probably at dads or something," Lorenzo said before he continued his conversation on the phone.

  She's probably at dads or something," Lorenzo said before he continued his conversation on the phone

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"Oh shit," Trinity said.

"What?" Luca asked. Trinity pointed to the T.V. and what was shown on the T.V. made his heart stop. The news was doing a story on an explosion that happened to a warehouse in town. The same warehouse he brought Irene to. He pulled out his phone in a panicked and started dialling her like crazy. Every thing he dialled her number it went straight to her answering machine.

He knew he shouldn't had let her stay. He should've tried harder to bring her home. He should've put his foot down like Lorenzo or Giovanni would have. What if...what if she's dead? These thoughts continuously ran through his head as he tried to reach her. After about 20 times it dialling her number, he threw his phone on the floor and grabbed his hair. Lorenzo, Trinity, Hye-Jin all watched him confused and worried. The were confused because they didn't know why he was freaking out, yet also worried because Luca was never serious about anything. So seeing him like that meant something important happened.

"Luca," Lorenzo called. Luca didn't answer because he was too busy freaking out about Irene. "Luca, calm down, look at me, Luca!" Lorenzo called as he grabbed his brothers face and made him focus on him. Luca took deep breaths and focused on

"Now, tell me what happened," Lorenzo said.

"I-I-Irene," Luca said as he pointed at news story.

"What about Irene?" Lorenzo asked.

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