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[Jimins POV]
It was 7:30 am and I heard my alarm run. "Ughh,well time to wake up",I got up and headed to the restroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. I got was done and got dressed for the day since I was going to register to get a job.

[20 minutes later]
I was finished getting ready and doing my hair. I went to my kitchen and ate breakfast which was simple with it just being milk and cereal. When I was done I headed to my car and drove to a big building which I was going to try and get a job in.

 When I was done I headed to my car and drove to a big building which I was going to try and get a job in

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  [10  minutes later]
I walked in and was surprised on how beautiful it was. 'Whoa', i said inside my head trying to process on the beauty I was looking at. After I registered and got a card I went to a room where people were getting ready to interview I sat down as well. I answered some questions like where I lived,how old I was,why I wanted the job and if I was good with kids....which I was a bit surprised by it but agreed and told them I was.

[3 days later]
I was eating lunch at Denny's and got a text from the 'Jeon Corp', i was reading the message when I saw a part where it said that I was hired to be a babysitter and I almost dropped my fork.

Congratulations Park Jimin, you have been hired to become a babysitter for Jeon Jungkook. You can start next week and please make sure to bring clothes because you will be staying there. If there are any questions they will be answered by Mr.Jeon when you get there. The child's name is Jeon Jung-Hwa and is the son of Mr.Jeon. Please be welcomed to decline at any time.   ~ A message to you from: Jung Hoseok.

  I couldn't think straight and the thought of me being a babysitter was shocking enough to make me spit my drink. I guess that's why they asked me the question but then again I guess the Boss is kinda hot and his child is cute.

[At Jimins house]
I was at my house and changed my clothes to my pajamas and take a siesta for the long day it had been, but then again at least I got a job. The real question is that if they will like me and how much I will be getting paid.

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