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[Jungkooks POV]
A week has passed and me and Jimin have gotten a little closer like telling each other what our favorite color,number and food was.

Today is a Saturday and a day off from work that was only today and tomorrow until I could go back to work.

Also today my parents are coming to visit Jungie and to meet Jimin who is Jungies babysitter and they wanted to meet him as he was new and they haven't met him.

Basically my parents were interested in meeting and getting t know him because Jungie kept talking about him on the phone when he got the chance to talk to them on the phone from time to time.

They were also happy that Jungie had gotten attached to someone he could trust and care about.

Another thing they were happy about is that I was getting closer to Jungie since I haven't been close to him in a long time because of work and important things I had to do.

[time skip]
There was a ring at the door which I assumed who it was. My parents. They were at the door and I invited them in.

"Jungie grandma and grandpa are here", I told Jungie which he was in the kitchen drawing with Jimin in the counter.

"Yay granny, grampa is here", Jungie said and ran towards them which they were already ready by having there hands out so he could hug them.

"Oh yes we are now how had our little Jungie been lately", my mom said caressing his hair and hugging him.

"I've been great", Jungie said." Oh and also I want you to meet angel he's my babysitter and the best one", he said happily.

"Oh that's great to hear now", my dad said and shook Jimins hand as greeting him.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs.Jeon I'm Jimin,Park Jimin and I'm happy to meet you", Jimin said and then shook my moms hand.

"Oh no it's our pleasure and thanks for taking care of our little Jungie", my mom said and I guess she likes Jimin.

Once they all finished meeting each other we all decided to go to a restaurant and eat dinner there.

[At the restaurant]
My dad had reserved a table for us before they got to my house so we sat on a table.

[At the restaurant]My dad had reserved a table for us before they got to my house so we sat on a table

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We all sat down and ordered our drinks

[Jimins POV]
Once we got to the restaurant it was so big and beautiful like a how castles have fancy dining tables in the movies.

I was so surprised how the tables were so clean and fancy. How the people were dressed like a million bucks by just wearing diamonds.

When I met Jungkooks parents they looked so young and beautiful well I guess that's how Jungkook go his beauty from.

We sat and I decided to just order lemonade since I really liked it.

And Jungie got some apple juice and Jungkook just got some wine which I wouldn't recommend since Jungie was here and he was a father

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And Jungie got some apple juice and Jungkook just got some wine which I wouldn't recommend since Jungie was here and he was a father.

And Jungie got some apple juice and Jungkook just got some wine which I wouldn't recommend since Jungie was here and he was a father

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Jungkooks parents also had wine like Jungkook

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Jungkooks parents also had wine like Jungkook .

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