Gender reveal(23)

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[Authors POV]
Finally two months had passed and Jimin had went to the doctor to get the baby's gender test taken.

The test was given to Jimins and Jungkooks friends who all had become close. They received the tests and all were going to open it.

It was a..????..... so they all decided to by the tool that would reveal the gender. Smoke bombs but in color.

They all already had the place ready for the party so they only needed to by the Smoke Bomb.

They all already had the place ready for the party so they only needed to by the Smoke Bomb

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It was pretty nice and classic. Once they all bought the Smoke Bomb they told everyone it was ready and the party was going to be tomorrow. As planned.

[Next day]
[Jimins POV]
Today is going to be the gender reveal. I got ready as well as everyone else. I can't wait.

When I came downstairs I saw everyone with their suits on and eating breakfast that the cook prepared for them.

"Good morning", I greeted them and now they were facing me. "Good morning sweetheart", Jungkook said. "Good morning eomma", Jungie said and got out of his seat to hug me.

I then sat down as well as Jungie and began to eat breakfast. We were all going to head to the party as soon as we finished breakfast to look at what our friends had done to the place.

"Ok now let's go guys", Jungkook said which we all nodded and headed to the car where he was going to drive us to the party.

And believe me it was hard getting in that car because of the big belly i have but later on I'll try to get use to...if I can.

We drove off to the party. We parked our car and headed to the door but since I needed a little help Jungie helped me. Lol.

When we all got inside it was so nice. They did a great job in decorating the place.

"Omg thanks you guys", I told my hyungs and hugged them. "No problem Jimin and we hope you will like the surprise", tae said.

Mmmhhh a surprise well I'm guessing it will be  how they will reveal my baby's gender.

We chatted and ate, people were also coming in. Guest that Jungkook had invited which I'm guessing might be his cousins or business employees.

Then My parents came. I was so happy to see them which they were also happy to see me because once they spotted me they gave me a hug but mostly my mom.

"Omg My Jiminie i missed you so much", my mom said. "I missed you too but I want you to meet Jungkook my fiancé", i showed them Jungkook.

"Oh you must be Jungkook, my son loves you very much and please take care of him", my mom said which made me embarrassed.

"Oh yeah it nice to finally meet you Mrs. Park and I also love your son very much also I will take care of your wonderful son", Jungkook said which made me blush.

My parents nodded and left to go eat food. After 5 minutes Jungkooks parents had came. Jungkook walked up to them and greeted them.

I walked beside him and saw both his parents. I bowed my respect. "Hi Mrs.Jeon my name is Park Jimin", i told them and faced them.

"AAAww is that really you, omg Jungkook you never told me he was this cute, oh and omg my grandchild, ahh the baby", Mrs.Jeon was like screaming of happiness and looked at my stomach in adorableness.

"Hello Park Jimin I'm happy to finally meet you and thanks for making my Jungkook happy", Mr.Jeon said and shook my hand.

Both Jungkooks parents resembled him in many ways. He got his height and moles from his dad. Bunny smile from his mom.

"Well it was nice meeting you Jimin but we are hungry so please excuse us.. oh and ps i can't wait the reveal", she said which I smiled and nodded back.

They were really nice....

[30 minutes later]
[Jungkooks POV]
It was finally time for the surprise me and Jimins friends were planning and made. I couldn't wait to see if it was going to be a boy or a girl.

I voted for a Boy and Jimin voted for a Girl which we were both competing on who would get it right.

Everyone went outside where the event was going to take place at. Me and Jimin were standing in front of the whole crowd.

We were all waiting for Taehyung and Hoseok to bring the surprise they had planned. To my surprise they brought one of those Smoke cannon Bombs that many people had in the gender reveals where the cannons exploded and the fended came out blue or pink.

"Ok now Jungkook will pull the the string and smoke will come out to reveal the gender now get ready", me and Jimin nodded on what Taehyung said and did what he said.

"1.....2....3 Now", Everyone yelled and I pulled the string. I opened my eyes and omg it was a.....

 I opened my eyes and omg it was a

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Girl.... I was so happy. I immediately hugged Jimin who was crying tears of joy and cried as well.

"Jimin... were having a girl", I whispered into Jimins ear and he nodded. " Yes, yes we are... mmh But also guess I won", he said in my ears in a teasing way.

I chuckled and kissed his lips....

I'm so happy Jimin.....

Thanks Jimin....

"I love you Jimin"....

Guys please comment a name for the new baby please...I don't know... thank you...

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