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[Jungkook's POV]
It was late like around 11 p.m. which I had finally finished the paperwork and got in my car. "Shoot", i said while getting the car ready. I had forgot that I promised
Jung-Hwa that I would get home as soon as I could to pick him up and continue what we were doing.

I started cussing while I started to cry little by little because I had promised him again but I couldn't keep my promise to him again. 'Oh how I wished she was still here' I told my self before thinking of Yu-Jin my wife that died after having Jung-Hwa omg how my heart hurts every time I think about her.

 'Oh how I wished she was still here' I told my self before thinking of Yu-Jin my wife that died after having Jung-Hwa omg how my heart hurts every time I think about her

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I miss her.

[15 minutes passed]
I got to Jin's house and nocking gently while sending s text to Jin telling him I was at his house. He responded that he would be there. He opened the door and I ask him where Jung-Hwa was and he told me he was sleeping in the couch since he fell asleep while watching the movie we were going to watch next.

I got inside the house and looked at Jung-Hwa asleep on Jin's which made me feel bad but then I realized I was going to make up for it by taking him the store and then realized I was also going to meet the babysitter of Jung-Hwa which made me relived and happy that he was not going to be said and alone when I went to work.

I picked up Jung-Hwa in my arms and carried him in my arms but also thanking Jin and leaving to go to my house and sleeping for the long day and see the babysitter tomorrow so Jin wouldn't have to babysit him for now if the babysitter ever decided to quit if it was going to be hard for him.

And Yes I know that he's a man because hobi told me and I was ok with that since I really really did need a babysitter and just wanted someone to take care of Jung-Hwa and make him happy that he was finally not be alone with Jin and be bored to death with Jin that also had to do work at his house to be able to take of him.

[20 minutes later]
I got home and picked up Jung-Hwa so was still asleep and took him to his room to lay him down. I kissed him on the forehead and told him,"I'm sorry my Jungie I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow",while whispering to try and not wake him up.

I went to my room and changed my clothes to finally go to bed after the long day I had and thought about if the babysitter would be nice and how much I would want to pay him. I guess 500 dollars a week while giving him food and a room to stay.

I just want him to stay, if he was nice and kind to my son since I would leave and go to work while he dropped Jungie and made breakfast,Lunch and Dinner even help Jung-Hwa with his homework and maybe putting him to sleep by reading him a bedtime story or sleeping with with which kind of make him sound like a house wife but brushed it off since he was just going to be his babysitter and I was paying him to do his job and try to take care of Jung-Hwa while I lost to work.

I hope Jung-Hwa would like him.

Ok so I changed Jungkooks dead wife into someone else for y'alls asses since y'all kept hating the idea of Lisa being the dead wife and shit.

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