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[Jungkooks POV]
Finally I was done with some meetings and paperwork I had to do and finish for the day.
I got my car keys and exited the building so I could pick Jungie up from school.

I got in the car and drove off while thinking about Jimin and what he was making as lunch.

[8 minutes later]
I got to Jungies school and picked him up.
He saw me and waved bye to his friends until he entered the car and say hi to me.

"Hi Jungie si how was your first day in 1st grade, did you meet new friends or was your teacher nice?", i asked him since I was interested.

"Oh dad it was great and I did meet this one girl her name was khloe and yes my teacher was nice and also I played with namjinnie and had a great time", he said which made me happy to see him like that.

"Oh that is so nice to hear now let's get home to we can eat what Jimin cooked for us", I said and while I did he was even more happier.

"Yay angel", he said and gave me a very adorable smile. Oh he was so cute. Guess he likes Jimin more than me. But it's ok.

[Time skip]
We got home and Jungie ran up to Jimin and hugged him while I sat on the table to eat lunch that he had prepared which smelled very delicious.

It was kimchi with a bowl of rice and noddles. It looked very delicious. Jungie then sat down and we started to eat and omg his cooking was so good.

  [13 minutes later]We all finished and I thanked Jimin for making such a tasty meal

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  [13 minutes later]
We all finished and I thanked Jimin for making such a tasty meal. "It's no problem Jungkook and I hope you liked it", he said and I nodded because who wouldn't enjoy this.

Jimin got the plates and put them in the sinks which I helped him and he was about to do the dishes but I didn't let him.

"No Jimin it's ok my maid will do it but right now just help Jungie with his homework or spend time with him and I'll just go to sleep because I'm really tired ok", i said assuring him.

"Ok Jungkook", he said and nodded while he told Jungie what he needed help on with his homework.

I just smiled and went upstairs to change and finally go to sleep after this long day of work that has been killing my back.

I fell asleep peacefully.

[Jimins POV]
Once Jungkook went to his room I started to help Jungie on some words he didn't understand or knew how to read.

After we were done with homework we spent time together watching a kids movie which was cars 2 and he laughed for some of the parts that were funny as well as me.

After we were done with homework we spent time together watching a kids movie which was cars 2 and he laughed for some of the parts that were funny as well as me

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After the movie finished it was Jungies bed time so I told him it was time and he nodded with a sleepy face.

We got to his room and I tucked him in bed while he drifted to sleep. He is so cute. I was sleepy as well so I went to my room and changed clothes so I could sleep in.

I layed in bed while trying to fall asleep so in the morning I could make breakfast again for tomorrow since it was another day in school for Jungie and work day for Jungkook.

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