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[Authors POV]
It was morning and Jimin had woken up earlier than the others so he could make breakfast. He made some eggs,bread,and
bacon with orange juice.

While Jimin set the table he went to Jung-Hwa room where he was sleeping to wake him up so he could get ready for school

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While Jimin set the table he went to Jung-Hwa room where he was sleeping to wake him up so he could get ready for school.

"Hey my squishy wake up because you have to go to school now get ready and let's go and I also made breakfast so you can eat", Jimin said while softly shaking Jung-Hwa so he could wake up.

Jung-Hwa slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes and nodded while he got up and took a shower. While Jung-Hwa was taking a shower Jimin chose his clothes.

"Ok now Jungie since your done with your shower put these on and go downstairs when your done". " Ok Jimin", Jung-Hwa said and got ready.

When Jung-Hwa was finished getting ready he went downstairs to find his dad eating breakfast

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When Jung-Hwa was finished getting ready he went downstairs to find his dad eating breakfast. "Daddy!", Jung-Hwa said while running downstairs to Jungkook.

"Oh hello my big boy, ready for 1st grade", Jungkook said while holding Jung-Hwa in his lap. " Yes I am", Jung-Hwa said while going to his chair and eating his breakfast.

"Ok Jungie now hurry up so we can get there and you can meet your friend Namjin", Jungkook said while finishing his orange juice.

[Time skip]
[end of Authors POV]
[Jungkooks POV]

After everyone was done I got my car keys so I could take Jungie to school. " Ok now let's go", I said while me and Jungie were heading to the door while Jimin stayed back.

"Hey Jimin aren't you coming so you can see how the school looks like and where it is"

"Oh it's ok I'll just stay here and clean the dishes", he said but I wasn't going to let him stay here by himself.
"Well Jimin I think you should come with us anyways the maids are the ones who do the cleaning and your just the babysitter so if you stay here your going to be bored now let's go", I said while trying to persuade him.

"Ok sir", he said and we all went to the car.
"Oh and Jimin just call me Kookie since we're friends now and I don't want you to always call me sir because it's just to formal".

Jimin just nodded and now we were heading to the school.

[10 minutes later]
"Ok Jungie we are here so please be a good boy and I'll see you later when I pock you up", I said and kissed Jungie in his forehead as a way of good bye.

"Ok dad I'll be good and I will play with Namjin yayyyy!", Jungie said all exited and knew he was going to have fun dice Namjin was his childhood best friend and is the son of my friends Namjoon and Soeokjin, the Kim family.

"Ok now go inside and see you later", I said and Jungie nodded and said his last good by to Jimin.

"Bye daddy and angel", he said and walked away to his school and I just giggled by how Jungie called Jimin an angel which was really cute of him to do.

"Ok well Jimin I'll drop you off home so you can get lunch ready once I get home", I said and we both walked to the car.

Ok so Namjin looks like this:

Ok so Namjin looks like this:

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