Can we be(16)

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[Jungkooks POV]
It was morning and I had just woken up. I then looked to my side and saw a sleeping Jimin by my side he was so beautiful.

I then got up thinking that he fell asleep in my bed while trying to help me when I was drunk from dinner.

I walked to my restroom cold since I felt like I wasn't wearing clothes and then I looked at myself in the mirror.

I jumped from surprise seeing that I was naked and I didn't have clothes on.'What happened', I thought to myself trying to remember at least something from last night.

I then remembered myself crying and Jimin came into my room and the next thing surprised me the most because i had Kissed....Jimin.

Oh no did I. And then shit another thing popped into my head as I remembered.'I had sex with him', oh no what did I do.

And the worst part is that i told him I loved him which is so embarrassing knowing that he lives with me and probably thinks I lied that I did and he probably doesn't have the same feelings as I do.

What if he quits because I forced him last night. I had just Fucked up real time. How will Jungie react if Jimin is gone.

I have to fix all this and tell him how last night was a mistake but that the feelings i told him were real so at least he won't be angry at me.

I know he might quit but at least I told him how I feel and that the burden got out of my chest.

"Umh Jimin can you please wake up i got to talk to you about last night", I told him as I walked up to the bed and place my hand on his shoulder to try and wake him up.

"Mmmh... one more minute", he said and I guess he was pretty tired and sleepy. I think I must have been a little rough on him last night?.

"Hey Jimin listen last night wasn't meant to happen.. like we weren't supposed to do those things because we aren't a thing and you probably hate me now for doing it"

"And also....the confession I told you last night...well... I wasn't lying about that but telling you the truth",I continued.

"Also I know you want to quit but please at least give me a chance and probably we can be something.. like the both of us", I said and I was really nervous on how his reaction was going to be next.

Jimin than started to get up and he rubbed his eyes. He laughed which I was a little surprised but the he smiled at me.

"Oh Jungkook.. I don't want to quit and I know last night wasn't your fault and anyways... I also... like.. you too", i was so happy at his confession and hugged him.

"Jimin do you really?", i asked him once again so confirm what he told me was true. He nodded and simply said, "I've actually been liking you Jungkook and think that last night was pretty.... great".

I started to cry but the tears were joy as I was so happy that he liked me back and that I didn't have to hide my feelings anymore. I hugged him tighter by his waist and he reacted by hugging on to my neck.

"I love you"

"I love you too,Junkookie"

And we kissed....

Ok guys it went to a sexual vibe and went to a romantic???...

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