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[Authors POV]
Everything was going great as everyone was eating and talking about how there weekend went and how Jungie made new friends at school.

After everyone was done they paid for the meal and headed to each other's car. Mr. and Mrs.Jeon headed to their own car are headed first towards their house.

Jungkook had to call his personal driver to come and pick them up since he was drunk from drinking a whole bottle of wine.

The car arrived and they got in. Jungie was holding Jimin hand as they got in and rested his head on Jimins lap since he was sleepy and Jungkook did the same.

Jimin just chuckled at the cuteness of the two boys who were falling asleep on him. Jimin was caressing Jungies hair as he was sleeping.

'What a nice family, Jimin thought to himself on how they were so nice and were kind to not want to also be with them as one of their family members.

Jimin felt a tear fall from his cheek which he wiped away quickly and thinking oh the thought he had.

[Time skip:Home]
They got home and the driver helped get Jungkook out of his car since he was a little bit drunk from dinner.

Jimin carried Jungie to his room and rested him on the bed then closing the door and walking to his room when he heard someone crying which he checked where it was going.

He was surprised to see that it was Jungkooks room and he opened it in curiosity.

[Jimins POV]
I opened Jungkooks room door to reveal a crying Jungkook on his bed with a photo in his arm which looked like a woman.

[Jimins POV]I opened Jungkooks room door to reveal a crying Jungkook on his bed with a photo in his arm which looked like a woman

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"Umhm.... sorry to disturb you Mr.Jeon but I heard to crying and just wanted to make sure if everything was okay in here", I asked him which made him look back at me.

His eyes were red from crying and I couldn't but feel bad for what he was crying at all of a sudden since we just arrived from dinner and he was drunk and crying.

"Oh Jimin I'm.. just sad", Jungkook said and sniffled his tears as more were coming out. But I just couldn't leave him here crying.

"May i ask what is wrong Mr.Jeon from what makes you sad", I asked him so I could at least try and make him happy.

"Well Jimin I actually have a secret that you might not know about me that involves Jungies mother", he said and I decided to lay next to him and hear his story better.

He continued and looked at the photo while talking,"The mother of Jungie died when she gave birth to Jungie", he said and teared again.

I nodded and hummed for him to continue the story, "Well she was the nicest and caring person I met and we both decided to get married after she gave birth to Jungie".

"She was my best friend since high school and was forced to have a child to continue the family since her father was diagnosed with cancer and only had a year left so she had to have a child before he had to perish and asked me if I could donate my sperm to her since she was forced to have a child and I gladly agreed and my parents did as well so after she had Jungie she died and was all my fault"

I was a bit saddened on what he was telling me and hugged him as he returned the hug."Oh Jungkook it is not your fault after all she had to have a child which her father wanted her to and you just agreed", I told him trying to reassure him that it wasn't his fault at all.

"But it was because I agreed", he said and sobbed his tears in my shoulder." Well Jungkook nobody can change the past and I bet she is happy that you did that", I told him.

He got out of my arms and looked at me and trying to calm down his tears.

Then out of nowhere he leaned closer to my face and... kissed my lips. At first I was so surprised that he did that unexpectedly which made me shocked and I did not know what to do or response to his actions.

I let him kiss me since I knew he was drunk which I just stayed still but then the parted his lips and whispered in my ears....

Find out what he said in the next chapter......later and make sure to have a nice day...!!!
Also this was a very long chapter.
And happy Easter!!🐣🐰

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