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[Authors POV]
It has now been 4 months since the gender reveal and Jimin and Jungkook already had the babies name.

Jimin had been having awful cramps in his stomach which was meaning the baby was almost coming. Any day.

Which scared Jimin because his water could brake by now. Like if they are in a Restaurant It Could Happen.

At the store, It Could Happen.
In the car, It Could Happen.

So Jimin was scared. But was also relieved that he would finally get to meet his daughter.

[5 days later]
Jimins due date was still in 2 days but today it happened.

[Jimins POV]
I was in bed and it was midnight.
I felt water between my thighs and woke up feeling wet.

"JUNGKOOK MY WATER BROKE, WAKE UP!!", I yelled at him to wake up which he did. He had a shocked face and immediately sprinted out of the bed and grabbed the things for the hospital.

He carried me to the car and then woke up Jungie to get in the car. He called his friends in our group chat that we all made to keep intact with each other.

He texted them and called all of them to tell them the information and while at it he called his and my parents.

He was like sprinting and hurrying up with made me laugh but then the pain shot me.

"Ahh" , I yelled at the pain I was having.
Guess I'm having contractions. I breathed in and out and suddenly Jungkook got even worried.

He got into the car and started the car to head to the Hospital. He was speeding as fast as he could as I was screaming at the awful pain I was having.

It kept coming every two minutes and lasting fifteen seconds. It was like i was going to pop any minute now.

We finally got to the hospital and Jungkook carried me inside while Jungie was following beside us.

"Jungie please sit down and I'll be right back to take eomma to the doctor and then you will meet your baby sister", Jungkook said to Jungie and he just nodded.

Then Jungkook just hurried to the emergency room and I was taken care of. Jungkook left and i was left with the doctors.

"Ok Jimin please breathe in and out and I want you to calm down, we will do the c-section on you so you will have to sleep", one of the doctors said and I nodded while following his instructions.

[1 hour and 43 minutes later]
[Jungkooks POV]
It had almost been 2 hours and Jimin was resting. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, my parents had come.

Jungie was sleeping in Jin's arms as we all waited for the doctor to be able to let us see Jimin and the baby.

"Um, Jeon Jungkook he is ready", a nurse came out and told us. We all nodded and headed to the room Jimin was at.

He was holding out a baby girl....
she was so beautiful....

"Jimin she is beautiful", I told Jimin as I walked up to him. "Haha she has your cheeks", I told him while scanning the baby's face.

"Haha yeah she does but she also has your eyes and nose", Jimin said as he gave me her in my arms to carry.

"Haha yeah she does but she also has your eyes and nose", Jimin said as he gave me her in my arms to carry

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"She is so cute but what are you guys naming her", Jin said while staring at her in awe.

"Min-sun, Jeon Min-sun", I told Jin.

"That's a perfect name, well I can't wait to have my baby and I'm happy for you brother", Jin said which he was talking about Jimin since they were both brothers and Jin was 8 months pregnant with Namjoons child since they have been married for 2 ...

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"That's a perfect name, well I can't wait to have my baby and I'm happy for you brother", Jin said which he was talking about Jimin since they were both brothers and Jin was 8 months pregnant with Namjoons child since they have been married for 2 years and been wanting to have one of their own.

"Thank you Jin and I can't wait for yours too", Jimin told Jin which I was also happy because he was going to have a girl which would make our Min-sun the cousin of their child and probably bestfriend.

Yeah guys I'm making Jin the brother of Jimin and also he is pregnant lol. Well just wanted to change things up.
And also thank you @sugakookie_09 for the name idea.

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