How cute(6)

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[Authors POV]
Jimin fell asleep after he went to sleep with Jung-Hwa in his bed. Time passed and it was 11:34 p.m. at night when jungkook got home.

Jungkook decided to check on Jung-Hwa if he was sleeping. He went upstairs to his room and opened the door and looking at two of the most cutest boys ever.

[Jungkooks POV]
I was staring at both of the boys and admiring how cute both of them were just sleeping in bed next to each other.

"How cute", I whispered to myself and not try to wake them up. I went up to the bed to check on them and how they were.

I went to Jungie first and kissed his forehead while he was sleeping peacefully. Then I went to Jimins side and looked at how beautiful and calm he was just sleeping.

 Then I went to Jimins side and looked at how beautiful and calm he was just sleeping

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Oh my gosh he was beauty itself.

"Beautiful", I whispered but Jimin heard me so shoot. He got up and rubbed his eyes while looking at me and giving me a smile.

"Oh hello Mr.Jeon, I'm sorry I slept in your sons room it's just he didn't want to sleep alone so I decided to sleep with hi-", he said but I interrupted him.

"It's ok Jimin I was just checking on him and saw you here but it's ok and it's no problem because I know how Jung-Hwa is now go back to sleep and I'll head to my room"

"Oh ok thanks Mr.Jeon and good night to you", he said while bowing and going to his room.

"Yeah good night to you to now rest and I'll see you tomorrow morning because tomorrow is Jung-Hwas first day in 1st grade and I'll have to drop him off ", I said while myself heading towards my room.

"Yes Mr.Jeon", he said while opening his room door and going in while I do the same and change my clothes and got to sleep.

Omg he's just too perfect I could get lost in his beauty all day an nig... OMG What Am I thinking... have I maybe...

Fell in love with him....

Oh my god...

Maybe I have.....

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