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[Authors POV]
Two days had passed and Jimin and Jungkook has gone to dates like shopping or having dinner together.

Then Jimin started to feel sick all of a sudden which made Jungkook very concerned about him and would ask if he was ok.

Jimin simply replied to him that he was 'okay' but Jungkook knew he wasn't and would wait until he got better and if he didn't then he would take him to the doctor and get him checked to make sure everything was okay.

But Jimin kept getting worse every day but little by little like throwing up and having to go to the restroom ever so often.

So Jungkook just decided to take him to the doctor and get him checked as he told himself last time of the situation would get worse.

Which it did so he had no choice but to do so. While Jimin was such Jungie was also concerned and wanted his angel to get better.

[Jungkooks POV]
Jimin only got worse and worse every day so I took him to the doctor to get him checked and make sure he was okay.

I was so worried when I saw him puking once again in the restroom. What is happening to him? Is he sick? Is he okay?

Questions only popped in my head as me and Jungie waited for the doctor to finish checking Jimin and having results.

I also thought that I already had encountered these things. Mostly because Yu-jin also had these symptoms.

But only because she was pregnant. Also I know that man can't get pregnant. But I am also starting to have doubts in my sayings as some man can get pregnant but only a few.

I don't even know anymore and what to think of this situation. What can he have. Mostly I was very worried about him.

[Time skip]
About ten minutes passed by and the doctor finally came out while smiling and checking his clipboard.

"Great news Mr.Jeon, Mr.Park is.. Pregnant with a baby", he said which shocked me but to Jungies surprise he was happy.

"Yay eomma is pregnant", he said and started cheering with happiness. "And I'm going to have a baby sibling".

"Yeah you are Jungie but what did I tell you Jimin is not your eomma but daddies boyfriend", I told Jungie but he pouted.

"But since he has my baby sister or brother then he is my eomma", he said. " Aww my little Jungie,Jimin isn't your eomma because we aren't married",I reassured him put he kept arguing.

"Then why don't you marry him", he said and outed while crossing both his hands to his chest.

"Oh Jungie what a great idea maybe I can tell him to marry me but in some months until we get closer,ok?",I told him and he nodded.

"Good now do you want to check Jimin", I said and he said 'yes' while running to Jimins room.

He swung the door open which revealed Jimin lying in the hospital bed and looking at Jungie who layed next to him.

"Hey angel i just heard great news from the doctor", he said which then I can forward and decided to tell him the news.

I was pretty shocked at myself that I didn't know he could get pregnant but was happy that he could.

"Well Jimin the doctor said you were... well.. ummn... Pr-egnant", I told him which he looked shocked.

"Oh... no",he said while gasping and putting his hands over his mouth in total shock. "Hey Jimin what's wrong?",I asked him worriedly at his reaction to what I said.

"Umm.. well.. I forgot to tell you that I could get pregnant and that you should have used protection...I'm... so-rry Jungkook",he said while crying and I just hugged him reassuring him everything was okay.

"Oh don't be sad Jimin, the thing that you are pregnant is the greatest thing and that Jungie will have a sibling and you carrying a part of me and you is the best news ever", I told him while kissing his forehead and hugging him while he hugs my waist and lays his head on my chest for comfort.

"Real-ly", he said while sniffing and wiping his tears away. "Yes my Jiminie and now I don't want you to be sad but happy at the new we both got", I told him and he nodded.

"Yea-h thanks", he said and looked back up at me with his red eyes from crying and wiping them away.

"Anything for you my baby", I said and hugged him even tighter while feeling his face in my chest and calming down.

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