Namjin Backstory(27)

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[When Namjoon and Jin met]
[long time ago...]
[Namjoons POV]
It was a Tuesday morning when I woke up. I have to interview some people for work. I am the Chairman of Kim Corp. and am about to take over my dads business.

I get ready and go to my car. I am just hoping the interview will go smoothly and I'll finally relax at home.

[At Kim Corp.]
I finally arrive and exit the car. I go to the entrance and go in. I walk up to the interview room.

I interview some people. When I'm almost done, one last person enters. He really caught my eyes and I can't stop looking at him.

"Hi my name is Kim Seokjin", he bows and introduces himself,and also taking a seat.

"Ok so Mr.Kim, I will just ask you some questions and we will be done", I tell him and just start interviewing him.

[After the Interview]
After the whole interview was over I decided to look back at all the people and decide who to employ.

Im still thinking about that Seokjin guy. He is really captivating. Guess I'll be employing him as my new assistant.

[Weeks later]
I have already employed him and he is a very smart and nice guy. I have just been really interested in him and want to start something with him.

So I'll just ask him on a date and see how that will turn out.

"Hey Seokjin would you like to go on a date with me?", I ask him and wait for his response as he is fixing some papers that I had to finish.

"Umm sure?", he told me and I became happy as he agreed to come. "Ok then it's settled, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 pm.", I told him.

He nodded and left my office. Now I just need to find an outfit and get ready for tomorrow. I just can't wait.

[Next day]
[Jins POV]
So right now I got out of work and went home to get ready for the date I was having. I couldn't help but feel happy as my boss just asked me on a date.

Like my boss, the one i like. To be honest I've been liking him for a few days now and think his a really great guy.

I have told my younger brother about him and he supports me. He wants me to be happy and hopes the best for me.

Once I was done putting on my outfit I went outside and went to Namjoons car as he picked me up.

I am now nervous as I finally got in the car. "Hi Jin", he told me. "Hi", i told him nervously as I was shy right now.

He started the car and drove off to the restaurant. We were in complete silence on our way as both of us were to shy to talk.

"We're here", i heard him say as we finally arrived at the restaurant. I got off the car as well as him and we both headed to the entrance.

We got to out table as the waiter showed us our table. We ordered what to drink as well as our food.

We were talking and laughing. I told him some jokes as well to lighten up the mood. "Why can't dinosaurs clap?"

"Why?", he asked me as I was telling him the Joke. "Because there dead", i then started to laugh as well as he did. I felt so happy to be able to laugh with him.

It was really nice.

[Time skip]
[Authors POV]
Time had passed and they have become really close. Namjoon asked Jin to be his Boyfriend which Jin agreed and they have been dating for 2 years.

They soon got married and had a boy, called Namjin. Years passed and had a another child who was a girl and was named Eun-ji.

Right now they are all happy and living well.

Ok guys this was a quick overall on how they met and got married as well as had to cute children.

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