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[Authors POV]
A thing that Jimin forgot to tell Jungkook was going to bite Jimin very soon. It was something his parents and brother told him.

Something that can change him and both the lovers life. Jungkook could react in a nice or bad way. Depends on how much he loves Jimin.

Well now they were just in bed and talking about if they should start dating to make a relation between both of them at the moment.

"Jimin i think we should just start and make it official.. let's just be a couple.. what do you say", Jungkook told Jimin since he wanted both of them to agree at the term.

"Well that would be a great Idea but i also think we should tell Jungie and make sure he will also support us".

"Great idea and we should tell him once he wakes up", Jungkook said and then both decided to go downstairs as Jimin would make breakfast and they wait for the sleepy Jungie to wake up so they could all talk.

"Good morning dad and angel", Jungie said as he was walking down the stairs and smelling the food that was downstairs ready and set.

"Oh good morning my Jungie",Jungkook said. "Good morning squishy",Jimin said as Jung-Hwa sat in his chair.

"Hey Jung-Hwa me and Jimin need to tell you something",Jungkook said to bring a topic up as they all sat down with their food.

"And what it that",Jun-Hwa said and Jimin looked at Jungkook showing him to proceed on telling him.

"Well Jungie you know how Jimin is your babysitter and he loves you... well me and him are dating",he said which made Jungie bean up and hug Jimin.

"Yay Jiminie is my new mommy",he said which made both the boys chuckle at his statement.

Then Jungkook just corrected him,"No Jungie...which I wish but he isn't...he is just my boyfriend",Jungkook said which then made Jimin blush.

"Aww...I thought he was..",Jung-Hwa said while pouting and received a laugh from Jungkook as he saw Jung-Hwa pout in at his statement.

[Jungkooks POV]
Jungie was pretty sad that I told him Jimin wasn't going to be his new mom. Which I wish he kinda was...

To see him smile everytime I wake up or see his beautiful face when he's asleep. To hug him when I'm happy. To laugh with him....

But right now we should take it slow and I'm happy at least we are thing. Hope we will become something more.

Something better. Something happier. I'll just have to wait until that time comes. I'll... just have to..wait.

"Well then that means we are official Jimin since Jungie approved",I reminded him and he looked at me and smiled.

"I guess we sure are",he said and I golfed his hand. "Guess we are",I said and returned the smile to him.

Guess?? No... I know...

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