Officially hired(5)

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I was at home when I heard a knock at my door so I decided to check by opening the door and looking and what seemed to be a cute and gorgeous man Infront of me with a smile so I smiled back.

[Jungkook]I was at home when I heard a knock at my door so I decided to check by opening the door and looking and what seemed to be a cute and gorgeous man Infront of me with a smile so I smiled back

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I ask who he was and responded with him being the new babysitter. Finally,well at least the man did look friendly and nice and then I thought about Jung-Hwa and if he was going to like him so I called him to get down which he did.

I introduced Jung-Hwa to Park Jimin so they could get to know each other until Jimin would start to work. I was suprised on how Jung-Hwa started to like him and he even call Park Jimin angle which was really cute of him and was surprised at how he opened up to him quickly but was happy to see him happy.

[Time Skip]
I had shown Jimin around the house like where he was staying,which was his room and other parts of the house like the kitchen where he would cook for Jung-Hwa for his breakfast and lunch, he also would cook for me when I woke up or came back home if I was hungry.

 [Time Skip]  I had shown Jimin around the house like where he was staying,which was his room and other parts of the house like the kitchen where he would cook for Jung-Hwa for his breakfast and lunch, he also would cook for me when I woke up or c...

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My phone rang which meant I had to got to work and finish work I still needed to finish. "Ok well see you there",i said talking in the phone while walking up to Jimin and Jungie who were sitting down and laughing about jokes that Jin had told Jungie every time he went to his house which he liked and was always happy of hearing them.

"Ok well guess I'll have to leave, and Jungie please be good to Jimin while I'm gone", i said to Jimin first and the Jungie who was a bit sad for me to leave. "No dad please stay and play with me",Jungie said which made me sad bipartisan I knew he would have a great time with a Jimin.

"Well it would be a waste to hire Jimin as your babysitter if you don't even want me to leave", i said while smiling at Jungie and hugging him. "Ok dad I'll stay with angel", Jungie said while looking at Jimin with a smile and knew he wouldn't be sad anymore when I left.

"Ok well Jimin please take care of Jungie for me and make sure he sleeps at 9 p.m. because he will be going to 1st grade on Monday". "Yes sir", Jimin said with a smile making me smile back. 'Aww how cute he was', I told my self while exiting the house.

"Oh and Jimin your officially hired",I told him while finally exiting my house.

Yay I was finally hires once I hired and so happy!!!!....
Once Jungkook left I looked at Jungie which was grabbing my hand and staring back at me. "Ok Jungie are you hungry", I told him and he just simply nodded so I made him some home made noodles which were easy and fast to make.

"Here you go squishy hope you enjoy", told Jungie while realizing I had called him a nickname but he just chuckled and responded, "sure thing angel", he told him with a cute smile. 'Aww he was just so cute', I told my self while watching a cutey infont of me eating my home cooked noodles and liking them.

 'Aww he was just so cute', I told my self while watching a cutey infont of me eating my home cooked noodles and liking them

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[time skip]
Jungie was done eating his noodles and it was 7:53 p.m. and I told him what he wanted to do in the meantime while it was still early until he had to go to sleep at 9 p.m. that his father had said.

"I want to watch a movie", he said while pointing at his T.V so I just nodded and put on a movie for kids which was Iron man. "Yay",he said as he was sitting in his couch and we started to watch it until he was sleepy.

"Hey Jungie lets go to bed because your tired and it's already 8:58 p.m. and you have to go to sleep now Lear's go", i said while he was awake and nodded. I took him to him room which was upstairs. He lashed in bed so I started to leave but he told me, "Can you please sleep with me angel?", while staring at me with sleepy eyes.

I responded, " Sure why not of it will make you fall asleep now rest", I said while laying at the other side of the bed and he nodded laying in my arms and drifting to sleep. 'Oh gosh how he was so adorable sleeping', I told myself with a big smile on my face while looking at the little kid sleeping in my arm so comfortable.

 'Oh gosh how he was so adorable sleeping', I told myself with a big smile on my face while looking at the little kid sleeping in my arm so comfortable

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