Part 5

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I step back and stumble over the floor mat, I still continue to back away from the door as he continues to yell my name.My eyes fill up with tears and my body becomes stiff. My mind begins to go over those dark moments which were hidden in the back of my mind, He stared banging and thumping the door with his fist. I grabbed my phone and dialled the police.

Police"Hello what is your emergence?"The women asked.

"Can you put Officer Jung on the phone please?"I asked wanting to hear my brothers voice.

Police"Yes ma'am."She answered as she switched lines.

Officer Jung"Hello?you requested me?"He answered as I broke down in tears.

"H-he's back, I-I don't know what to do?"I asked.

Officer Jung"Y/n? that is you?" He asked.

"Yes Jung-soo, It's me."I answered in annoyance as the banging on the door got louder.

Jung-soo"Okay Y/n, Just stay calm,now is there anyone else in the house?"He asked.

"Yes,there is."I answered breathing heavily.

Jung-soo"Y/N stay calm the police are on there way. Just stay calm okay little sis."

I heard Tae walk down the corridor and I froze.

Tae"Y/N whats going on?" He asked as he looked down at me. I calmly signalled for him to sit down next to me and he did so.

"Be quiet okay"I whispered to him. He gave me a worried look but nodded as he understood.

Tae P.O.V

I did what I was told and stayed quiet. A person was shouting her name and banging on the door over and over again. And every time he stopped and stared again she flinched and as tears were falling from her eyes continuously as he face was emotionless. I had never seen a girl who was that strong, become so weak and scared. I didn't know what to do, she was shaking so much and her breathing was so uneasy and heavy. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and her head rested on my shoulder.

I felt warm tears drip on to my shirt, I rubbed her shoulder as I heard police sirens outside and the banging stopped. Her breathing returned to normal as the door opened to reveal a police officer. As soon as he entered she shot up and hugged him and sobbing like hell. The officer hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

Officer"It's going to be okay Y/n, we got him, shh"He said calming her down. I sat there awkwardly not knowing what's going on. 

Time skip the next day~~~~

Y/n P.O.V

I woke up and went straight to my bathroom and got ready for school, since I had already missed a day of school already I couldn't afford to miss another one because that's what you get kicked out for. After coming out of the shower and putting on my school uniform I walked out of the door as usual without breakfast.

I decided to walk the long way to school since I was early and I thought it would be nice to get some excise. I looked up at the sky while walking past a small coffee shop on the corner of my road as I went into a daydream. My wrist was suddenly grabbed by a sweaty warm hand which then pulled my into a alley snapping me back to reality.

"YAH! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" I yelled tugging my wrist free from the mans grip and looking up at him. I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw Jimin's face.

" You know this could be seen as harassment you know, dragging an innocent bystander into a dark alleyway at 8 o'clock in the morning you know?"I answered crossing my arms

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" You know this could be seen as harassment you know, dragging an innocent bystander into a dark alleyway at 8 o'clock in the morning you know?"I answered crossing my arms.

Jimin"I'd hardly call you innocent babe, and can't I just talk to the girl that I love." He answered with a giant smirk appearing on his face.

"Are you sure it's not the girl you just wanna fuck and leave her without and dignity or pride left and never speak to her again."I snapped back watching the smirk fade away.

" I know what you "Bad Boys" are like and I ain't having any of it." I remarked.

Jimin"What about Taehyung? Are you sure that's not what he wants to do, fuck you and then leave?"He replied as if it was nothing but a question.

Y/n "What are you talking about, He's not like that."I replied so sure of what I just said looking Jimin directly in the eyes.

Jimin"I not so sure, that's not exactly Taehyung's character Babe, He's the type to get up and leave at the wrong time. His aim is to claim all the pretty girls and then toss 'em into the dirt. Trust me I have know him all my life and that's what he has always done. When you get to know him better you will see he isn't no Prince charming." He answered.

 I looked down and thought 'What if he's right, I really can't trust anyone'.

"Well is't it a good thing that I don't feel the feeling of love anymore."I remarked and walked out of the alley and down the street.

Time skip~~~school

I arrived at school and my mood was drained when everyone was looking at me and whispering to each other. I rolled my eyes when that annoying girl walked up to me.

AG"Yah! What are you even still doing here, leave!" She yelled

I scoffed and looked into her eyes sharply.

"Leave? why?I'm not the filthy trash here, you are so why don't you get your filthy ass out of here and find a trash bin to live in."I answered back.She stood there in shock at my insult.

"Now leave me alone and-"I said then turning to everyone else who were surrounding us.

"If anyone else wants apart of this feud then be my guessed, but let more warn you ,you won't survive after I'm finished with you!"I carried on then walking away with everyone silent.

Left Breathless Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now