What Would They Think?

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He was terrified, kissing a man, out in public. What would his family think? What would the Montagues think? But here he was loving every second of this kiss, everything about this man. He soon found himself pulling back and lightly tugging on his arm to get him to follow. He knew just where to go.

The tree. Some people call it his tree, as no one has ever been alowed near it, but this was special, he was worthy.


OK. Even I'll admit this is strange, we're at his place. I wonder if he knows who I am? If I'd be here if he did?

Once we got there he pushed ma against the tree and his eyes romed over my body before my face, taking in every detail of my nose, cheeks, eyes. And then, suddenly, he seemed to have a moment of realisation as his eyes widened and he halted his movements for a second, before seeming to decide it didn't matter and continuing.


What was I thinking? He was Mercutio. The enimy. But here I am kissing him as if my life depends apon it, showing no sign of stopping any time soon.

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