A Shot

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I never knew someone could be so obsessed with one person. One person. But here I am, so now I know.

It has been a few days since then and I can't get him out of my head. Mercusio. Such a pretty name, such a pretty person. And he's mine. Or at least I like to think he is. That our time together ment something to him. That maybe we could be together, in another world maybe.

So here I am walking down the road when I come across him and some of his family. How am I supposed to act? Do I hate him? Or even his family anymore? Did I really to begin with?


OK. So maybe I was walking down the road and saw him on the opposite side so I crossed the road soI could see him. Maybe. But no one has to know. Know that I can't get him out of my head. Him or his perfect lips. But as I came closer I saw his expression change. First an exited soft one, followed by a cross on, finally setting on one of determination. Determination of what is the question.

Finally I was in front of him, my family trying to make me punch him, hurt him. But I just can't, not after the other day. So I drag him 'harshly' by the collar round the corner and into a building before anyone can follow us. Before I know it my lips are on his eagerly, him melting into me.

I pull back knowing I need to talk and he moves his lips to my neck, as if the few days apart starved him. So I speak, or at least as well as possible, "Let's give it a shot."
I got a confused look and a little grumble in retern.
"Me. You. Together. Let's give it a shot."
He stilled next to me. Looked up, turned around and his lips turned up. "OK."

He left me soon after, apparently to get to a meeting. It just made it easier to return to my men, the ones hunting capulets.


OK, I don't hate him.

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