Pride, Arrogance, Repulsion

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It was a silent conversation really, but one that held volumes. We poured our love into each other and yet it still wasn't enough to be together in this world. And why? Pride. Arrogance. Repulsion.
But I was ok. At least that's what I'd say if you asked, but I was in fact so so far from being OK I was no longer sure what it was. I wish I could say it was just me, just me crumbling under the pressure of the world around us. But that is improbable, impossible. Just because of pride, arrogance, repulsion.


I wish I could say I was fine that I could just return home and pretend like nothing has changed. When it all has. Honestly what good did I think would come from this, coming here to them. They'll just leave, they have each other. They don't need me, no one does. They have too much pride, arrogance, repulsion.
Sometimes I wonder why I'm alive, if I'd be better off dead, if the world would be better. But then I become scared. Scared of my own mind. Scared of surviving. And I just can't do it. All because of pride, arrogance, repulsion.


I know they try to hide it. They want to shelter me, keep me safe despite always seeming to be in a more compromising position themselves. Perhaps that's what I love them. Yes them. I realised, I finally realised that I needed him too. But I also saw all the issues. All the pain they hold in their hearts.
And there is nothing I can do, at least not overnight. But I will do. I'll take down our pride and allow weakness. I'll change their mind and allow confusion. I'll teach them to love and allow acceptance.

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