What Is Love?

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What is this place? It was an annual family gathering and it's like they all knew something was up with me. With my love life. I could bearly take a step before another one of my cousins or aunts stop me and ask me avout a girl. No consideration. None whatsoever. Then, a new face caught his eye, one he didn't expect to see tonight, at least not until much later when everyone was drunk and wouldn't remember a thing.


I don't really know what I'm doing here but the thought of tybalt here, with others wanting him, me unable to protect him made me come. And believe me when I say I was risking my life.

But is that what love is?

The protection of them. The care for them. The risks taken for them. All for love, one word that has ment more to me in a week than I ever thought possible. Yet the question still hung in the air, does he love me?


I make my way over to him, trying not to make it to obvious, but from the spark in his eye I could tell he knew. He always knew just what I wanted and what to do about it. And I didn't hate him. Never again.

When I finally reached him I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, he was here, really here, unharmed, unnoticed.  He let out a low chuckle, smiling at me and I could feel myself relax, stood under his gaze. He took my hand and started to hurriedly drag me way from my family and I felt my panic set in again. I looked around in a frenzy, they can't see me. Not with him. Finally I was pulled round a corner and I go lost in my head, they could still see, they would see. They can't see. No. I don't want to go. Not like him. Soon I was being pulled even further away from the party and I was in shock. Who cared? Who really cared? Why? Why would someone care?

That hurt, not understanding why someone wouldn't care, but what hurt more was the realisation that I thought he wouldn't care, not really, that he would just want my body. My body I can give, my life, not so much.

But I don't hate him.
I should, he has coursed so much trouble, so much pain, so much grief. But I don't.
I don't hate him.
I don't like him.
I love him.

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