Simply Must

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Did I really just do that? I love him, I love him so much, but did I really just ask to marry him when one of use could be killed on sight?

He wasn't answering, no "yes," no "no," and I don't know what to do. I've asked him now, no going back, I just need his answer. This one answer that will change our lives, forever.


What was I supposed to do? Stood in a party, people around us, silently watching, silently judging. After all, we are 2 noble men, in love, dating, boyfriends. So who was to stop me when I grabbed his hand and started walking towards that one spot, the tree, my tree, our tree.

I hope this answers his question. It had better answer his question, I'm not sure I can say it a loud. That makes it real. That makes it scary, anything could happen.


I could feel his hands across my chest, scratching down my back, and I loved it. Being here, with him. It's all I could ever have asked for. All too soon he pulls away and collapses into my arms, hugging me tightly, showing no signs of letting go, and I love it. Being here, with him. Knowing he's mine, only mine.

In my arms, I feel him tense, start to shake. And not knowing what's happening I start to panic, after all we just got engaged, snogged and now he's terrified. I follow his gaze, it's juliet. And who's that with her? Oh, that's it, romeo. Wait a minute, romeo?!

Its kind of funny really, the fact that I love mercusio and juliet loves romeo. Like we all want to suffer a twisted fate. From the little chuckle below me, I know mercusio thinks the same.

Within a few more seconds though, I realise the severity of this situation. I'm engaged. To a man. And not just any man at that, noooo, a Montague man. And juliet by the looks of it, the same has happened to her. And they're hedding this way. Everyone knows this is his Tree, but, everyone at the party knows this is my mask, so hopefully, no one, no one, knows that beside me is mercusio. And I'm glad. I can take the blows, the swift punches, but can he? No. He's mine, I must protect him now, even if that means that 2 other people, 2 other people in love know, I just simply must.

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