My Heart Will Be Fixed

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The thing is, with being publicly disowned comes many a issue, mainly when going about my daily life. Because of the name Montague, I had status and power, I had friends and control. But now, with it stripped from me, I have none of that. In fact I have less than would be expected, you see I'm disgraced. I've been taken down so much that by now I'm worthless to everyone. Well almost everyone.
But even they have to take caution. They already did before, you know with the gay enemy thing they have going on, but now with me in the picture more problems can be caused than solved.
It's not like I can even stop them, let them be as normal as possible. They say they love me. Can someone truly love me? I don't know, but I can say that if the answer is anything but yes I don't want to hear it. So for now I'll just cuddle up into the warm chest, belonging to who in not too sure, and try to ignore the pain in my heart and in my head.


I wish so so so much that I could just protect him, them, hell even anyone in any similar danger. Because it breaks people. Not just the target, but those around them. To see the bruises lining his body, the pain whenever he so slightly moves, the battle in his head, the brokenness of his heart. To cure the struggle I see my other boy go through just to see him like this, barely ever leaving his side, even if it means blowing his cover, becoming like him too.
I'm so broken. So lost. I don't know how to fix this, how I can help in anyway. I feel useless. They need me, but how? I can hurt them more and at this point they are all that matter.

With that in mind I walk towards one other place I know we can go, but this time alone for the first time in weeks. But as I'm walking away I can feel my heart beating faster and faster, as if leaving for the night is equivalent to leaving full stop. It's not, really it isn't but that is what it can feel like.

And I think.

And I plan.

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