Let's Party

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I love him. I love the way he sneaks into events, finding every opportunity to be with me. It's amazing. But no one knows. No one will know. And I like that. The secrecy is fun, I only wish it was because we wanted it to be and not because we would be disowned, hurt, abandoned.

Anyway, now it's the capulet ball, the one for Juliet to meet more men. I've heard he's coming tonight, the only issue is it's a masked ball so we need to find each other, but once we've done that, being together should be easy enough. But then again he might get caught and sent away, or worse still, killed. What would I do then?

At the door I see 3 men, I didn't know more people would be coming, I thought they were all here. Then it hit me, it was him. But who was with him? It could only be two people, people I wish weren't here, but oh well, at least he is. Romeo, Mercutio ams benvolio then split up, mercusio coming straight over to me, the other two going in opposite directions.

When he got to me he whispered in my ear "I've been waiting all day for this. And you look good. Now, follow me." And any sane man would, but me being me, didn't move. I was frozen, he was here, in my house ata party. Anyone could see. Anyone could know. And it's not fear for me necessarily, its for him. If they find out now, he's in the most danger. He looked back at me and seemed to be hurt, "Really, I came here, so you can do what? Stand me up at your own house? I loved you. God I love you. But apparently you don't." His voice was wavering and I was feeling really bad but what should I do? I'm scared for him but how do I tell him that? I don't want to seem weak, never, I just like him too much to see hon ever be hurt. But that looks like it failed.

To made matters better, I saw juliet talking to romeo. Oh no, this can't end well, they both have to have a public marriage as they are the heirs and their fathers will never agree, they have too big a sense of pride for that.

But of corse mercutio took my silence as me not loving him and the sadness in his eyes began turning to rage. I needed to do something and fast, but what? What could I possibly do?

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