Remind Me What Love Is

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I don't quite know why I let them continue to kiss, even when I knew it was wrong. We are already dating, engaged even. We are already gay. We are already with the 'enemy'. So in what world did I think this would be OK?
But really it was. I was calm, they were calm. It was almost as if no one could touch us, even if just for a second. And I know the threat that waits just outside the door could cost us our life, but who cares? Certainly not me. And neither does mercutio or benvolio by the looks of it.
Wait a second... Is he now my boyfriend?


I couldn't help it, wanting to help him. But I didn't really know how, so I did the only thing I could think of, the only thing that made me feel better, I kissed him. And it seemed to help, he stopped begging and crying, which I'm so glad about.
"Would you like to stay here with us love?" I heard from my side. And then from buried into my neck I heard a little gasp and felt the gentle nodding of my best friend.
Now that was sorted I decided to lay benvolio down, he was slowly getting heavier and heavier so assuming he's exhausted, falling asleep stood up. And so with him safely tucked away, even if only for the time being, I turned to my boyfriend not knowing what to expect really. Maybe a little anger? Or annoyance? But no. I definitely didn't expect to see fondness covering his face, along with worry and guilt(?).
And in that moment there was nothing I felt other than fondness for the two people I trust the most.


The last thought I had snuggled safely in their arms was of hope, hope that above all love will win.

nd above all I had hope that they could teach me and everyone else to love.

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