This Changes Everything

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I took one look at tybalt and I knew, telling them was best, so out I called, well whisper shouted.
"Juliet! Juliet!" mercusio looked up horrified and juliet and romeo froze, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. But slowly, she looked over and I couldn't tell if she was glad or more worried now she knew it was me. Even slower than looking up, she walked towards me, pushing romeo behind her but dragging him along nonetheless.

"What?" she hissed then seemed to do a double take, seeing mercusio for the first time. This, only succeeding in making her more confused. But romeo, oh romeo had such a different look. Confusion, pride and worry. Confusion for us two being together and wanting to talk with them. Pride of them being together in public and for juliet trying to protect them. Worry, worry for being caught and for us, being together, all of us, in public.

I decided to get straight to the point, "Juliet, we are together and have been for a while, and by the looks of it you two have aswell." I could feel mercusio shaking below me, not knowing how either of them would react. After all, we just came out as gay, and being with our families enimies. It was a mess really. They looked shocked at the sudden admission, obviously letting it sink in fully. Then regaining her composure said, directing the last bit towards romeo,
"Yes, I suppose we are, aren't we?"

After that nothing much was done, we sat and spoke, covering for each other each time someone would pass. At some point both juliet and mercusio fell asleep and romeo said, in a somewhat distant voice,
"This changes everything."

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