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I know I need to tell them. I know they'll make me tell them. I know they'll leave me. I know they'll expose me further. But I love them, and as soon as they ask, I know I'll tell them. That's just how it works.

I woke up hours before the two of them, lightly shaking, a tear running down my cheek every so often, pain running through me at the slightest movement. But amongst the misery, there's light. An arm over my waist, a head tucked into my neck. Two lovers surrounding me.
And I now I shouldn't, but I bask in the warmth it gives me, the way it seems to make what happened only yesterday worth it, especially when soon they'll hate me as much as, by now I'm sure, the whole town.

So as I twist and turn, trying to get out, to escape this ever shrinking world, the arm tightens and the head burys itself further into me.


I don't know what it was, seeing him there last night, that's made me feel like this. Wanting to protect him, to never see him that hurt again. Even if it costs me my life.

I woke up to movement, the whole bed shaking from a mixture of sobs and turning. Immediately I knew who it was, Benvolio, and so snuggled in further, trying to calm him. And it worked, at least partly, as he stopped moving, but his body was still wracked with sobs. I sat up, drawing lazy shapes on his chest and he trembles under my touch, his crying slowing down. Out of the corner of my eye I see mercutio moving, joining me sitting up, looking down at the broken boy between us.

I didn't need to speak, I knew what happened yesterday, scared it would happen to my boyfriend, knowing what that family was like, but needing to know from him anyway. So, with a determination set in my bones, I lean forwards and place a gentle kiss on him forehead, still rubbing his cheat and started to lowly speak, "Tell me, love, you're hurt yes? But how? Why? You're safe here, I promise you that, but you need to tell us." I felt him stiffen underneath me and I was sure the heavy sobs from earlier would return but no. Whether he was actually better than I thought or the kisses from Tybalt helped, he didn't. And let's just say, I was proud. A snuffle later and I heard,
" I... I um I'm gay...?"
But it was more of a question than a statement. And it was an answer, but I wanted, needed, more. To know him. To know this vicious family. So, "Yes, love, but there's more isn't there, it in your eyes. You can tell us, it's OK, you are safe here. We want to know, I can promise you that."
It was weird, usually I prefer to be looked after, more submissive I suppose, but here I am, wanting to do everything I can possibly do for this boy.
An then it was like he couldn't stop himself, word tumbling from his lips,
" I am gay, I really am, but there's more, so much more. I have a crush, well several crushes. But it is worse than that, I want them together, not just one, both of them. And then it still gets worse, they are with someone, they are happy. And I can't ruin that. And it would bring discrase to them. I can't do that. I... I like them, why would I hurt them? "
Then he stopped, taking a big breath as he'd successfully not stopped, even for a second through all that speech, if you can even call it that. But, a switch seemed to flip in his brain, one that saw him tearing up from the bed, tears once again running full force, backing up form us. Eyes searching for an exit but seeming to miss it, becoming cloudier by the second. And then the begging, broken and hardly whispers, stared. Asking for forgiveness, to be given mercy, for it all to end.

And I froze. It all just stopped. My brain wasn't working. I could see mercutio moving, standing right behind me, arms encasing me, soothing words being spoken to the both of us, neither of us reacting. Seeming stuck for a second, he stopped, kissed me, but I could hardly feel it and he took another step forward. And his voice became louder, frantic , ringing over the top of the last, showing the pain, the complete and utter torment Benvolio went through. And I was lost. Caught trying to find ways to fix this, to calm him, to sedate my anger. But it stopped. It stopped? As I looked up I saw why, Mercutio and Benvolio kissing, full on making out. I'm not gonna lie, I felt as thought I should be angry, jealous maybe, but no, all I felt was happiness, pure adoration. So I stepped forward myself, snaked my arms around them both and let them continue kissing. All was calm, at least for now.

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