3.0: being stalked

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edited and revised

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edited and revised.


It's been a week since I've transferred to SPU, and things are going well. I've been catching up with all my classes and made five new friends. FIVE. I'm not the type of outgoing person, but I feel like I can be myself with these six dorks.

Jeongguk is the youngest, and he's pretty fun. He has a good vocals, and is practically good at anything. I mean anything. There's really nothing that muscle bunny can't do. Well, he did fail his English test, so I guess it's English that he can't do. But other than that, the kid has 'Golden Makane' written on his forehead. I'll admit, I'm kinda envious.

Then we have Jimin. He's pretty cool, and the rest mock us two for our height. Fucken tall ass bastards. Jimin is a very good dancer as well as Gguk, Hobi and Tae. He also has a unique voice and if you get him mad, well...I might as well jump off a damn cliff. The dudes scary when he's mad. So I rather shoot myself before ever thinking about making him angry.

Then we have Taehyung. He weird as fuck, but in his own unique way. The guys very social, outgoing and not to mention hyper. I swear to god he's Hobi's lost twin. He drifts off into his own little world most of the time, but overall, he's a good person. I can tell that he's rich as fuck with all that Gucci shit he wears. He has a good taste in clothes and fashion.

Then we have Namjoon. Damn, that guy sure has a brain. He's smart as fuck, and he's pretty chill. I feel very comfortable with him, and I can relate so much to him in music terms. I was surprised when he first told me that he raps and produces music. He has some pretty sick beats, I'll give him that. Overall, he's a very thoughtful person, but the thing is that he always breaks everything he touches. I've lended him like six pens during Lit. and he somehow manages to breaks them all. 

And last but not least, Jin Hyung. I don't know, he's kinda odd? I somehow always like ALWAYS bump into him everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. He's kinda I don't know, weird. Besides being a full ass social butterfly, and 'the handsomest guy in campus' he's weird. I've caught him "secretly" stealing glances at me, and it makes me kinda uncomfortable. Jin Hyung is a very nice guy, and he always makes his corny jokes when he has the chance. I see why everyone has a crush on him. The dudes perfect but odd.

And not to mention that ever since I came to Seoul, I feel like I'm being watched. Like no shit. I feel like I'm being followed everywhere. I'm trying to convince myself that it's just me and my imagination, but still, I have this uneasy feeling.

It's like I'm being stalked.

"Yoongi Hyung, are you coming to the party Jackson Wang is holding tomorrow?" Jeongguk asks me at the lunch table.

I frowned as I take a sip of my iced coffee. "I don't know. I'm not the type to go to parties." I say as I stab my sliced pineapples with my fork bored.

"Oh, come on Hyung! It'll be fun!" Jimin encourages. "Jimin's right Yoongs. You need to go out more. All you do is sleep and write music." Hobi chimes in while he plays with my hair.

"But I don't even know what to do at parties. Plus, I'm sooo tired." I fake a long sigh, hoping that they'll drop the subject.

"You should come! Even Joon Hyung is gonna go, right Hyung?" Tae nudged Namjoon who was reading a book.

"Huh? Yeah, I totally agree. Wait what are we talking about again?" "See!? He said yes!" Taehyung said with a smile.

I look at my only Hyung with pleading eyes. Please help me.

"Well, I don't see what's wrong with having a little fun tommorow." Jin Hyung said with a chuckle. I looked at Jin with betrayed eyes. What the fuck? He's supposed to be on my side. Damn it.


All six males look at the pale male with anticipation. Yoongi shivered with all their intense stares and sighed. "Fine I'll go." The smaller said with a visible pout.

"Okay it's settled then! Oh we gonna get so fucked up tomorrow." Hoseok beamed.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Namjoon said confused.

DInG, DoNg. DiNg, doNG. (Ggukie reference.)

"Well we're out! See you guys later!" Jeongguk said as he walked away with Jimin and Taehyung. "I have Gov. next, see ya!" Joon said as he waved.

"We should go too Yoongs." The red head said as he grabbed his bag. Yoongi groans. "But I'm too tired to walk." Yoongi whined. Seokjin chuckles softly.

"Oh my god. You barely did anything today!" Hoseok said, and the elder huffed with a pout.

"Fine. I'll give you a piggyback ride to class, BUT you have to treat me to lunch tomorrow." The red head said as he kneeled down. Yoongi pout grew into a smile.

"Okay!" The elder says as he got on Hoseoks back. Seokjin just watched from the side with dark hooded eyes.


"Yo! Have you been eating? You're light as fuck!" Hoseok said as he kneaded Yoongis thighs. "Yah! Shut up and walk!" Yoongi demands.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Come on Jin Hyung! We'll be late for class!" Hobi yelled as he walked away with Yoongi on his back.

The older only stood in place watching the two younger males walk away with jealous eyes. "Mmhhm. Looks like my babydoll is getting too clingy lately." Seokjin mumbled to himself. He started to walk away with a evil smirk on his lips.

"Hhmm, how should I punish my babyboy?"

No proofread.
A/N: Helloo my Loves! Hope you all are having a good day! Thanks for reading my Loves! And I hope y'all are ready for some creepy shit next chap. ;)


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